Information Literacy: Online and print dictionaries vs. rewordify

Library Connections
4th Grade: (Introduced) 1st OI / All OIs
Information Literacy: Online and print dictionaries vs.
TEKS §126.7. Technology Applications. (3) Research and information fluency. The student acquires and evaluates digital
content. The student is expected to: (D) acquire information appropriate to specific tasks.
§110.15. English Language Arts and Reading (2) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary
and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: (E) use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meanings,
syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words.
ELA Vocabulary Strategies: Using a dictionary (print and online), using a thesaurus, synonyms,
antonyms, word meanings
Organizing Idea / Activity: All OIs.
Learning Target: I can evaluate an online tool. I can use a dictionary / thesaurus. I can follow
multi-step instructions to carry out a procedure.
-adapted from a lesson posted on
Prior Knowledge
Students have previously used print and/or online dictionaries for individual word searches
Modeling and/or Skills Development
Guided Practice and Transfer
SEE Rewordify docx for student activity and instructions.
Individuals or groups may share their steps, T-chart, and their creation of ‘new’ sentence
versions for this activity with the larger group. How is the website similar to using a thesaurus?
Questions: Did I (student) follow all directions? Did I rewrite the sentence using my own words
(not copy the new version created by Rewordify)?
Materials / Resources
online dictionaries, print dictionaries, website:
Library Speak: thesaurus, synonym