Canterbury Street Stables Playgroup is May Playgroup of the Month

Media Release
27 May 2015
CANTERBURY STREET STABLES Playgroup in Flemington is May 2015 Playgroup of the Month
for providing an inclusive, supporting and welcoming environment.
Canterbury Street Stables Playgroup is always willing to take on new parent groups and new
members and is very supportive in helping new mums become part of the playgroup family.
Canterbury Street Stables Playgroup strives to accommodate families that may be
vulnerable, making them feel valued and supported.
“The culture of support and inclusivity is built early at Canterbury Street Stables,” Playgroup
Victoria’s Playgroup Development Consultant for Moonee Valley, Rosie Dymus, said “they
have supported their playgroup families through good times and bad times”
Sharing and working together is a big part of the culture of Canterbury Street Stables
playgroup. They continually fundraise for the playgroup to update equipment and toys, and
organise activities for families outside of their playgroup sessions.
‘‘The bond between families at Canterbury Street Stables Playgroup extends beyond just
their playgroup sessions” Rosie Dymus, Playgroup Victoria’s Playgroup Development
Consultant for Moonee Valley, explains, “They organise activities outside of playgroup for
the families, including a family fun day once a year”
Canterbury Street Stables Playgroup’s focus is providing a supportive and inclusive culture,
where new families and members feel welcome. They are active members of the Playgroup
Victoria community.
The Playgroup of the Month award is a Playgroup Victoria initiative that acknowledges good
work being done by a playgroup in its community. Playgroup Victoria is this year celebrating
40 years of supporting families to find and start playgroups that suit their needs best.
Contact to arrange a photo and find out more: Please call the President Ruth Cook on 0409
635 468
Playgroup Victoria contact: Rosie Dymus, Playgroup Development Consultant - Moonee
Valley Project, 03 9336 4995