
Atypical behaviour- The Alternative theory- Evolutionary theory
Evolutionary theory- The theory that animals have evolved over time and instinctively behave in ways that allow them to survive and reproduce.
The evolutionary theory focuses on nature to explain phobias. It generally argues that human beings are governed by nature and it is natural for us to want to survive and
survive long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes.
In relation to phobias, the evolutionary theory argues that fear is instinctive because it helps us to survive.
If we had no sense of fear we would keep putting ourselves in dangerous situations that could potentially harm or kill us.
The evolutionary theory also argues that certain objects or situations are more threatening to our survival than others e.g the dark, heights and closed spaces.
Key point to note:
The evolutionary theory does not necessarily argue that people are born with their phobias. What we are born with is a biological preparedness to fear certain objects or
situations more than other because they are a greater threat to our survival.
Phobias still require a negative experience with an object or situation but if we are prepared to fear it, it will not take much to develop a phobia of it.
For example: it would be easier to develop a phobia of being in water (where we could drown) rather than being in a field of flowers (where nothing dangerous is likely to
Evidence suggests that it is more difficult to treat and get rid of phobias of objects or situations which are a greater threat to our survival. This suggests that they are more inbuilt and not just learnt.
To conclude:
Preparedness to fear certain objects or situations is something that has evolved over thousands of years.
Our ancestors may have been seriously under threat from animals such as snakes and spiders in their day.
People in the past who feared these things were more likely to survive.
These are the people who also managed to reproduce as well.
In reproducing, they passed on their fears.
 These fears or a preparedness to fear have been inherited by each new generation.