‍Andy Kline Introduction 134 Main Drive, Roach MO 65787 | 573

Andy Kline
134 Main Drive, Roach MO 65787 | 573-286-5897 | Andy_Kline@ntm.org
Fonda and I met at New Tribes Bible Institute in 1980. We were married in 1982. We have
three children and two grandchildren. My parents live nearby and Fonda’s parents live in
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.
My parents became believers when I was eight years old. I am thankful for their positive
influence and their relationship to Christ. Growing up, I experienced conviction due to my
sinful behavior but I didn’t understand the grace of God or the concept that I was born into
Adam - that my sinning was a result of my core identity as a sinner and rebel.
In 1979, partly in an effort to please God, I spent the summer in Bolivia, South America with
NTM church planters Meredith & Betty Trout. They lived in a remote part of northern
Bolivia among the Araona – an isolated tribe that numbered less than sixty people. I
experienced several life changing adventures, including becoming infected with two strains
of malaria, one of which could kill quickly. After testing positive for malaria and
experiencing its symptoms, I began to worry about dying. I opened by bible to try and
settle the fears in my soul. My old KJV Scofield bible fell open to Romans five and my eyes
fell on verse one. For the first time I realized I was justified by Jesus’ work, not by my own
efforts. God was looking at Him, not me! I rested in that truth, simply believing the
testimony of the Word. While I didn’t understand much at that time, I realized, to a small
extent, the depth of His love and Grace. The cross finally made sense. I have never been the
same – though I don’t recommend the “plop, flop open, and point to a verse” method of
bible study that God so graciously used in my life that day.
Since that time, life with my wife, my children, and now my grandchildren has been a
journey of growing in God’s astounding grace and goodness. “…apart from Me you can
accomplish nothing.”
Ministry Perspective
The Gospel is the heart of Christian life. The Gospel contains four key elements that must
be understood and believed: The truth about God, the truth about mankind, the truth about
sin and the truth about our Savior, Jesus. Authentic ministry, spiritual growth and personal
growth come from understanding and believing the Gospel and knowing the Savior. This is
the center.
Our main ministry focus has been discipling “missionaries in training.” We believe
discipleship must be rooted in real friendships and relationships. We see ourselves as cosojourners in life with those we disciple – we know God will grow us as we engage in
discipling others.
We are convinced of the power of the Word of God when understood and applied. We are
convinced empathetic listening is powerful for helping people work through illegitimate
shame and guilt. We are convinced spiritual growth is designed to take place within the
context of the Body of Christ…
Ephesians 4:11 - 16 It was he who gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and
some as pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, that is, to build up the body
of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God — a
mature person, attaining to the measure of Christ's full stature. So we are no longer to be children,
tossed back and forth by waves and carried about by every wind of teaching by the trickery of people
who craftily carry out their deceitful schemes. But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things
grow up into Christ, who is the head. From him the whole body grows, fitted and held together
through every supporting ligament. As each one does its part, the body grows in love.
New Tribes Mission
Fonda and I began training with NTM in 1980 and we have been members since 1983.
Most of our ministry with NTM has been focused on equipping “missionaries in training”
with biblical truth and practical skills. Our ministry for the past 31 years has been about
missions – church planting in some of the hardest places in the world among some of the
least reached people of the world. This will remain an important part of our lives and
ministry, and we are delighted with the emphasis on missions we have heard about and
read about at Grace Bible Church.
Buffalo Prairie Baptist Church
We are currently doing biblical marriage counseling with a couple from our church, and I
meet once a month with my Pastor, John Book. We helped out with VBS for the last two
Interests and Hobbies
I enjoy reading, hunting, fishing, amateur astronomy, antiques, history – especially Civil
War, modern Israeli wars and biblical history - gardening, wood carving, sailing and disc
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