Jihua _Chinesesyllabus_Fall_2015

跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese
Teacher: Jihua Jiang 蒋季华
Red & Green Day 2nd period
E-mail: jjiang@conroeisd.net
Telephone: 936-709-1074
Please talk to me about any questions or concerns you might have, I am here for you.
Together we will learn, grow, and adjust, but most importantly add value.
- GRADING 成绩 –
Level Classes
20%- Daily /Language Lab Activity/ Homework and exercise
25%- Quiz
55%- Examinations / Projects
Pre- AP & AP Classes
15%- Daily /Language Lab Activity/ Homework and exercise
25%- Quiz
60%- Examinations / Projects
跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese
-STUDENT CENTER 学生专区Items that I supply, you can find in the Student Center.
These items include: tissue, paper towels, three-hole punch, pencil sharpener and a stapler.
During a project you will also find various other supplies.
I expect each student to respect that many others have to share these items.
The Student Center is for you and things on my desk are for me.
Mandarin Chinese
This Chinese course is designed for non-native Chinese speakers. Course aims at developing basic
communicative skills and knowledge of the Chinese language and culture. We have four different levels
of Chinese class this semester – Beginning, Intermediate, Pre-AP and AP (Chinese I, II, III, and IV ).
The detailed syllabus for the nine weeks (for each level) will be posted on my website
The class time will be used for lecturing and student activities including listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Students are expected to preview each lesson before class, complete the assigned homework
and study the covered content after class.
In this semester, students will learn the Chinese phonological system, basic conversational topics,
vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn how to read and write Chinese characters.
We will celebrate Chinese traditional festival: Chinese New Year, Moon Festival, and Dragon Boat
Festival. We will learn Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese painting, tea, and Jian Zi. We will also go to the
China Town for the field trip this year. We will have a lot of fun!
Every student should prepare their own Pencils, Markers, and a 3 rings binder.
I will check the binder every nine weeks for a major grade. Keep all of the handouts in your
binder… they will be checked and will be part of the grade.
跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese
千里之行, 始于足下
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)
Students will abide by all regulations in the student handbook while in class.
Unless allowed by the teacher, cell phones may not be used in class. You must turn off your cell phone and
put it in the numbered bags provided in the class. You can retrieve your cell phone after class.
* RESPECT-I feel this is the most important expectation of my students because this is a trait that students will
carry for a lifetime. I will first desire students to respect themselves, as this must be done first. Secondly, students
are expected to respect others including but not limited to teachers, classmates, administrators, guest speakers, and
substitutes. Personal property including the teachers, classmates and schools will also require respect.
* TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK-Students should understand that anything they put their name on represents
them. By putting your name on something, it tells others this is the best I can do. I will expect to receive your
BEST! Taking pride in your work not only begins in school but will continue to be in every part of your life from
here on out.
跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese
* HAVE SUPPLIES- I will expect every student to come to class with required materials every day. Every daystudents will need paper and a writing mechanism. I will not loan out these two supplies. Students will need a
folder; this will remain in class. Other supplies may be requested if necessary.
* CLASS PARTICIPATION- A grade will be given for participation, this is how important it is.
WARNING- This will consist of the teacher speaking with the student, making the student aware of the
expectation he/she is not meeting and mutually finding ways the student can make the necessary changes.
CONTACT PARENTS- If problems continue contact with parents will be made either through e-mail and/or
a phone call.
REFERRRAL-If behavior problems continue after above consequences have been exhausted, the student
will be referred to the administrators.
1. Write first and last name both in English and Chinese.
2. Staple multiple pages together.
3. Make sure all work is complete.
1. Upon entering room, pick up your folder or text book.
2. Sharpen pencil, if it applies to you.
3. Work on Bell work.
4. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese
1. Work well with assigned group members.
2. DO NOT ask to change groups.
3. Put everyone’s name and group name on all paperwork.
4. ALL members of the group MUST participate.
1. Have admittance form ready.
2. Pick up work from MAKE- UP Folder or ask the teacher for instructions.
3. Complete work within time allowed in student handbook.
4. Follow Turning in Work procedure.
1. You may not go to the rest room for 10 minutes after the tardy bell rings and not before 10 minutes before
the end of class.
3. May only go to the restroom one student at a time.
3. You must use Chinese to ask to go to the rest room.
I have read and agree to comply with Mrs. Jiang’s requests.
Student Class Period:_____________________________________________
Student printed name and signature:___________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________
跟我学汉语 MANDARIN. Chinese