Workbook 4

Section Four:
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Do you have family traditions associated with Mother’s Day?
Write your answer in English on the lines below. Use
complete sentences.
Pg 1
1. Before viewing the animation, can you predict what Miguel, Sonia and Christian will
have prepared for their mother on Mother’s Day? What presents will they give her?
What will they have prepared for breakfast? Make a list, in English, on the lines
below. Look up the words from your list in the Glossary and write the French
translation next to each word that you find. You do not need to fill in all the lines.
Note: You may not find all the words from your list in the Glossary. If you have
access to a French - English dictionary, you may use this as well. If not, simply leave
these blank.
des fleurs
a card
une carte
bacon and eggs
des muffins
des fruits
un café
un yogourt
Pg 2
2. When viewing the animation “Un déjeuner pour Maman”, did you recognize some
words you have seen in previous Modules? View the animation again and this time,
listen for colours, food, and presents. Write the words you recognize in French on the
lines provided.
Answer may include any of the following: maman, papa, sept heures,
dimanche, gentil, six, jolie, rouge, grosse, petittes, jaunes, J’aime, fruits,
muffins, rose, beau, pommes, banane, orange, yogourt, carrotte, adore, belle,
carte, fête, père, mère, jus, trempette, légume, craquelin, fromage, midi….
3. Which family members are present at this special breakfast in bed? Write in French
on the lines below who is taking part in this special Mother’s Day breakfast. Write the
article (la, le) before each noun. Use the Glossary at the back of Module Three to help
you find the correct names of each family member. Follow the model.
la mère
le père
le frère, Miguel
la sœur, Sonia
le frère, Christian
la mère( this is repeated from the model, therefore is not necessary
to have listed.)
Pg 3
1. Do you remember how to tell if a French word is either masculine or feminine and
singular or plural? Look back at the Helpful Hints in the previous
Modules and find one way to know if a word is feminine or masculine and one way to
know if a word is singular or plural. Write your answers in English on the lines below.
Look at the article that is placed before the noun, is it le/un, la/une or les/des. Also
look for an S at the end of plural nouns.
2. Look at the six nouns in the list below and decide if each one is masculine or feminine.
Write an X in the proper column beside each noun. The first one has been done for
un bouquet
la marguerite
le déjeuner
une tasse
un cadeau
la salade de fruits
Pg 4
b. Look at the nouns in the list below and decide if each noun is singular or plural.
Write an X in the proper column beside each noun. The first one has been done for
une carte
les tulipes
le livre
des muffins
la fleur
des roses
Pg 5
3. Listen to Track 47 on the Module 4 CD. You will hear a description of what
is on each of the four breakfast trays below. Associate each description with
its matching image. In the square beside each image, write the letter a, b, c,
or d which corresponds to the description you heard.
Pg 6
4. With a friend, play a game of Le bonhomme pendu (Hangman).
Use the words associated with a special breakfast in bed. Don’t forget
to include the article (le, la, les) before the noun.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play.
Follow the model.
If you have access to a computer, play Le bonhomme pendu 4 online.
Pg 7
Have you ever given a bouquet of flowers to someone? Do you
remember what it looked like? What flowers did you have in
it? What colours were they? How many flowers did you have
in your bouquet? Write your answers in English on the lines
1. On the lines below, answer the following two questions in French.
What two colours were the tulips that Sonia gave her mother for Mother’s
rouge , jaune
How many of each colour did she give her mother?
trois rouges, deux jaunes
Pg 8
2. Listen to Track 48 on the Module 4 CD. Élise is counting the number of
flowers in her garden before making a bouquet for her grandmother.
Below is a script of what she is saying. Fill in the blanks with the numbers
you hear. Write out each number in letters. The first one has been done
for you.
Dans mon jardin, il y a _dix_ tulipes jaunes, vingt
tulipes rouges, douze tulipes orange et quinze tulipes
roses. Ici, il y a dix-neuf grandes marguerites et vingtdeux petites marguerites. Il y a aussi dix-sept roses
blanches, trente roses rouges et seize roses jaunes.
Pg 9
3. A friend of Sonia made a beautiful bouquet for her neighbour, Mme Lambert.
Read each description below and decide which one best describes her
bouquet. Circle the letter in front of the description you have chosen.
a. Il y a six petites marguerites blanches et trois grosses marguerites jaunes. Il y a dix
petites tulipes rouges et trois grosses tulipes violettes. Il y a aussi quatre roses rouges,
six roses roses et six roses jaunes.
b. Il y a six petites marguerites blanches et trois grosses marguerites jaunes. Il y a dix
petites tulipes violettes et trois grosses tulipes rouges. Il y a aussi six roses roses, six
roses jaunes et quatre roses rouges.
c. Il y a six petites marguerites jaunes et trois grosses marguerites blanches. Il y a trois
petites tulipes violettes et six grosses tulipes rouges. Il y a aussi six roses rouges, six
roses jaunes et quatr roses roses.
d. Il y a six petites marguerites blanches et trois grosses marguerites jaunes. Il y a dix
petites tulipes rouges et trois grosses tulipes violettes. Il y a aussi six roses rouges, six
roses roses et quatre roses jaunes.
e. Il y a six petites marguerites blanches et trois petites marguerites jaunes. Il
y a dix petites tulipes rouges et deux grosses tulipes violettes. Il y a aussi six roses
rouges, six roses jaunes et quatre roses roses.
Pg 10
If you were to prepare breakfast for somebody important to you,
what would you like to serve? What do you think this person
would like and would not like to eat for breakfast? Write your
answers in English in complete sentences on the lines below.
Pg 11
1. Listen again to Track 50 on the Module 4 CD. Read each
statement below and decide if it is true or false based on what you heard.
Circle the correct answer. Follow the model.
Vrai = True
Faux = False
La grand-mère d’Émilie aime le café.
a. La mère de Karine aime les muffins.
b. La grand-mère d’Émilie n’aime pas la salade de
c. La mère de Karine aime le fromage.
d. La mère de Karine aime le café.
e. La grand-mère d’Émilie aime les muffins.
2. Do you remember which French verb to use to express likes and dislikes?
Write your answer on the line below.
Aimer. Also acceptable: j’aime et je n’aime pas.
Pg 12
3. Use the following images to ask two questions about what your mother likes for
breakfast and two questions about what she doesn’t like for breakfast. Write the
questions and answers on the lines provided. Follow the model.
Note: If you do not wish to write these questions about your mother, you may pick
another important female person in your life.
a. Model: Elle aime le jus d’orange?
Oui, elle aime le jus d’orange.
b. Model: Elle aime les pommes?
Non, elle n’aime pas les pommes.
Elle aime le café?
Elle aime les muffins?
Elle aime le yogourt?
Elle aime la salade de fruits?
Oui, elle aime le café.
Non, elle n’aime pas le café.
Oui, elle aime les muffins.
Non, elle n’aime pas les muffins.
Oui, elle aime le yogourt.
Non, elle n’aime pas le yogourt.
Oui, elle aime la salade de fruits.
Non, elle n’aime pas la salade de
Pg 13
4. Record your questions and answers from number 3. Submit your recording
with the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 4, Section 4, Day 4, Number 4.
5. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Va à la pêche.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play.
Ask questions and give answers according to the examples below.
If you have the card displaying apples, you can ask your
Elle aime les pommes?
If he/she has the other apple card, he/she would answer:
Oui, elle aime les pommes.
If he/she doesn’t have the other apple card, he/she would
Non, va à la pêche.
If you have access to a computer, play Va à la pêche 3 online.
Pg 14
What is your mother’s favorite time of day?
Does she prefer mornings, afternoons or evenings? If you were
to surprise her on Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed, what time
would be best to serve it? Write your answers in English to
these questions on the lines below.
Pg 15
1. Look at the clocks below. Record yourself saying what time it is.
Follow the model and submit your recording with the Workbook.
Il est 8 heures.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 4, Section 4, Day 5, Number 1.
Pg 16
2. Look at the series of images below. In each series, the first one shows what time it is
and the second one shows a specific activity. On each line, write at what time the
activity is taking place and if this is happening in the morning or the evening. Follow
the model.
Remember: when a clock shows 12 o’clock, it has a specific name. Review the
Helpful Hint to help you.
Il est 10 heures du matin.
Il est neuf heures du soir.
Il est midi.
Il est six heures du matin.
Il est sept heures du soir.
Pg 17
3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Va à la pêche.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play.
As you play, use the following pattern for questions and answers.
You ask:
Quelle heure est-il?
Your partner looks at his/her cards and picks a time. For example,
if he/she picks a clock that reads 8 o’clock, he/she answers:
Il est 8 heures.
If you have the matching card, you answer Oui, il est huit heures
and you hand him/her the card.
If you do not have the matching card, you simply answer:
Non, va à la pêche.
Now, it is your partner’s turn to ask the time and your turn to pick one
of your cards and answer.
If you have access to a computer, play Va à la pêche 4 online.
Pg 18
1. Do you remember how to say “I love you” in French? Do you remember how to say
“Happy Mother’s Day?” Take some time to find the answers to these questions. You
will want to review the Valentine’s Day section as well as Day One of this section.
Write your answers on the lines below.
Je t’aime. Joyeuse fête des Mères or Bonne fête des Mères
2. You have worked with Karine and Émilie as they planned a breakfast and made a
card for their mother and grand-mother. It is your turn to do the same. Answer the
following questions to help you plan your breakfast and your card.
a. Who will you present this breakfast and card to? On the line below, you
might write: Maman or Grand-maman or Tante Karen...
b. Open Day Two of the Module and review the food vocabulary used in this section.
Pick four food items: two things that your mother would like for breakfast and two
things that she would not like for breakfast. If you are unsure, ask her. Write them
on the lines below. Follow the model. If
you are making breakfast for someone other than your mother, simply
substitute with that person’s proper name.
Answers will vary depending on the food choices and the person they are preparing
for…some possible answers below. Four sentences all together is all that is needed.
Maman aime le yogourt.
Maman n’aime pas les muffins.
Elle aime le yogourt.
Elle n’aime pas les muffins.
Tante Karine aime la salade de fuits.
Grand-maman aime le fromage.
Maman aime le café.
Tante Karine n’aime pas le café.
Grand-maman n’aime pas le
Maman n’aime pas le fromage.
Pg 19
Elle n’aime pas la salade de fruits.
Elle aime le jus d’orange.
c. Now you must design and create your card. Look at the cards created by Émilie
and Karine. Choose the wish you would like to use on the front of the card. Write
it on the line below. Double check your spelling before moving on.
Bonne fête des Mères, or , Joyeuse fête des Mères
d. What type of flowers will you draw on your card? What colour will they be and how
many will there be? Once you have decided, write your choices on the lines
below. Pick from the following three pictures and follow the model. You do not need
to fill in all the lines.
Possible choices are given..though any number or
colour can be replaced.
la rose
la tulipe
la marguerite
deux roses rouges une
marguerite blanche
quatre roses roses
cinq marguerites jaunes
trois tulipes violettes
e. On the inside of your card, simply write “I love you” (insert the person’s name from
“a”.) Do this in French and use as a guide the cards that Émilie and Karine
created. On the line below, write the sentence you will put on the inside of the
Should simply read: Je t’aime (person’s name)
f. Now, all you have to do is find some paper and create your card as planned.
Pg 20
Did you prepare breakfast for your mother, grandmother or
another important woman in your life?
Did you give them a card? How
did this make you feel? How
did they feel?
Can you describe in English on the lines below what
Preparing a meal for someone is a nice way to make them
feel special because it takes time and effort. Telling loved
ones they are important makes us feel happy.
Pg 21
How do you celebrate Father’s Day? Do you have any
family traditions?
On the lines below, describe in 2 or 3 sentences what you like
to do for Father’s Day. If you do not celebrate Father’s Day,
simply say so.
Perhaps you have a special activity that you like to do
with your father or Grandfather such as going out for a
special meal or playing a posrt or game.
1. Look at the three shapes below. Do you remember what they are called in French?
Write your answers on the lines below. Don’t forget to include the article le before
each noun.
le carré
le cercle
le triangle
Pg 22
2. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play Bingo des formes.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play. As
you play, remember to use the following sentence structure to name each card:
C’est un cercle jaune.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 online.
Pg 23
1. Listen again to Track 54 on the Module 4 CD. Pay attention to
what Miguel says when he compares his circles and triangles to the ones
on Élise’s bookmark. Check the box which corresponds to what Miguel
says about his geometrical shapes.
Les formes de Miguel
Plus petit que
a. Mon cercle bleu
b. Mon cercle vert
c. Mon triangle bleu
d. Mon triangle vert
Plus grand que
2. Look at the series of shapes below. Complete each sentence by using the expression
plus petit que or plus grand que. Pay attention to the shape and the colour. The first
one has been done for you.
Le triangle rouge est plus petit que le triangle
Pg 24
Le cercle orange est plus petit que le cercle
Le rectangle violet est plus grand que le rectangle
Le trapèze bleu est plus petit que le trapèze
Le carré gris est est plus grand que le carré
3. Look at the three shapes below. Use felt pens or pencil crayons and colour the
shapes following the instructions.
The squares should be coloured left to right: rouge,
bleu, jaune (red, blue, yellow)
Pg 25
Le carré rouge est plus petit que le carré bleu. Le carré
jaune est plus grand que le carré bleu.
4. Play another game of Bingo des formes.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 online.
Pg 26
1. Listen again to Track 55 on the Module 4 CD. Fill out the chart below
with colours that Miguel’s dad and M. Bilodeau like and dislike. Note that
not all the spaces will be used. Listen to Track
81 as often as you need.
Il n’aime pas
Il aime
le bleu
le vert
Il aime
Il n’aime pas
le rouge
le bleu
le vert
2. For whom would you make a bookmark on Father’s Day? What colours does he like
and what colours does he dislike? If you are not sure, ask him, then on the lines
below, write four sentences about the colours he likes and dislikes. Notice that you
need the article le in front of the colour and be sure to use the Glossary to check your
spelling. Follow the model.
Some possible answers are given.
Il aime le rouge.
Il n’aime pas le vert.
Il aime…
Il aime le bleu.
Il aime l’orange.
Il n’aime pas…
Pg 27
Il n’aime pas le violet.
Il n’aime pas le jaune.
3. Play another game of Bingo des formes.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Four for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 online.
Pg 28
Pg 34
Pg 34