parish mission - St Cecilia & Queen of Heaven

St Cecilia, Adams
Queen of Heaven,
A note From Fr. Martin:
Lent already! I have thought this a few times these past few weeks.
One of the best things I would encourage for a fruitful Lent is Mass attendance. I know you have
probably heard that a few hundred times...but, there are great things that can come from a few
minutes with the Lord.
This Lent our theme is “Back to Basics”, this came to me during Mass-opening my mind to let
the Lord talk, plus a little panic that I needed something. The most basic thing is MASS. To spend time
in community, praying for your needs and those of others, to step out of the crazy of each day and find
peace. That is what is the most rewarding for me, the peace that is God’s gift.
I hope this is a rewarding Lent but, it can only be so, if you do something. Try...reading a book
that you have been putting off (maybe the Bible) set up a prayer time for you and your family (maybe a
daily Rosary), go to Mass (on the weekends), do something! As a Parish we will pray the stations, have
talks on the sacraments, and gather on Palm Sunday for prayer and my favorite food.
So, YES IT IS LENT ALREADY... do something, even the basics so that you will be renewed and
rewarded this Easter season.
Back to Basics!
Lent is upon us as Easter is
Sunday, April 5th. Along with Mass offered daily there
are several spiritual events and programs from Ash
Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday planned for this
year. We hope and pray that you and your family join
us as we get “Back to Basics” this Lenten season. See
the bulletin for more detailed information.
Parish Holy Hours
The 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm (SC)
The 3rd Monday at 5pm followed by a
Pot luck dinner (SC)
Friday’s during Lent with Stations of the Cross at
Queen of Heaven @ 5:30 pm
Adoration on Wednesday following the
8:30 am Mass – 9am to 9:30am
Ash Wednesday – February 18th
Mass with the Distribution of Ashes:
Noon at Queen of Heaven
5:30pm at St. Cecilia
This is a day of fasting and abstinence.
Daily Mass for Lent
8:30am @ SC
5:30pm @ SC
8:30am @ SC
5:30pm @ SC
8:30am @ QH
Spend quiet time with Jesus!
Weekend Mass Schedule:
4:30pm Saturday at St. Cecilia
8:30am Sunday at Queen of Heaven
11am Sunday at St. Cecilia
Daily Mass as scheduled in the bulletin.
Confessions: Saturday-3:45 or anytime by
The Eucharist is the #1
reason people come back to
the Church!
This year Stations of the Cross will be offered after the 4:30pm and
11:00am weekend Mass at St. Cecilia. Also at 5:30pm on Friday at
Queen of Heaven with Holy Hour.
The youth (6-12 grades) of the Parish will
be acting out a reflection on the Way of
the Cross using Shadow Stations.
Sunday, March 8th at 7pm
It is a family friendly evening with music
and meditation. It will be a meaningful
and prayerful presentation for all.
Our Lenten Sacrifice
Days of Abstinence – Ash Wednesday, all Fridays
in Lent, and Good Friday for all who have
reached their 14th birthday, no meat can be
Days of Fast – Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
for all who have reached their 18th birthday and
have not as yet reach their 60th birthday, a limit
of one full meatless meal.
Self Denial- is encouraged on a voluntary basis.
Acts may include daily Mass, spiritual study,
Lenten Devotions, the Rosary, Stations of the
Cross and deeds of mercy and kindness.
*Can you name the Seven Sacraments? *What are the three
sacraments of initiation? *What Sacrament would you be part of if
you had vows and consent was given? *How long is a communion
fast? Has this always been true? *Baptism, what does it mean to
you years later? *What does it mean to be confirmed?
Fr. Martin will lead us on our Lenten journey with
Monday, March 23 – Thursday, March 26
6:30pm to 7:30pm
Each night he will reflect on a different basic topic of our faith
including prayer, sacraments and more, answering many questions
many of us have had for years. All are welcome to join us for
reflection and prayer.
Five Minutes with the
Take 5 minutes a day to grow closer to the
Lord throughout Lent. Spending a few
minutes each day is a wonderful way to
prepare for Holy Week and Easter. Booklets
are in the church entrances.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fr. Martin will be available for confessions by appointment, Saturdays @ 3:45pm and will be
offering designated times throughout this Lenten Season. Please refer to the bulletin for the
Holy Week Events and Celebrations
Palm Sunday – March 29th – Regular Sunday Mass schedule and at 4pm we will have a “Family
Day of Prayer” with a spaghetti dinner to follow in the Parish Center. This is new to the parish this
year and takes the place of the pancake breakfast.
Holy Thursday – April 2nd
5:30pm we will have the Seder meal
7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm
Good Friday – April 3
1pm Stations of the Cross at St. Cecilia
6pm Liturgy of the Passion of our Lord at Queen of Heaven
Easter Vigil – April 4
8pm St. Cecilia
Easter Sunday – April 5
8:30am Queen of Heaven
11am St. Cecilia
Divine Mercy Sunday – April 12 2:30pm at St. Cecilia
CHRIST-LED, CHRIST-FED, AND HOPE-FILLED, the Diocese of Ogdensburg joyfully invites the people
of the North Country to the journey of faith through the proclamation of the Gospel, the
celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, and the loving service of neighbor.
In 2014 Bishop LaValley met with the Envisioning Committee and a plan was implemented for a
diocesan wide door-to-door parish census. The purpose of this challenge is to build our “Church of
Living Stones” by:
 Reaching out to every household, for the purpose of inviting people to our parish
 Reconnecting with inactive Catholics
 Listening to and seeking the needs of our active parishioners
 Conducting pastoral visits
 Updating parish records
Together we will use our love of God and His Church and commitment to complete this important
task. One can never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit, and we pray that these visits will
bear many spiritual fruits and hearts may be touched to discover even more the power of God in
their lives.
Bishop LaValley has requested that all
parishes complete this task by August of 2015.
Father Martin along with Deacon Larry and our
parish leaders met, with all parishes in the Jefferson
Deanery, to begin the planning and implementation of
this program. Father will address our Census from
the pulpit, in the bulletin, and letters. If you would like
to become a volunteer or have any questions please feel
December 21, 2014
to contact Radio)
the office.
we are
thisatcall- May
the faithful
to listen
this door.
of Jesus
us be
he saidpasses
in our lives, hethrough
sends and which
angel andChrist
we are so can
up income
our thoughts
do not
even notice. Christ is knocking
at the
doors of our hearts go, give HIS peace. Let us open those doors to Christ!”
TIME OF GOD” and be aware of the favorable
moment in which Jesus passes in our lives asking for
a ready and generous answer to do his work.
At a Glance Clip and save for a quick reminder
of Parish events.
February 21
Ash Wednesday
Mass with Distribution of Ashes
Noon Queen of Heaven
St. Cecilia
Daily Mass is as scheduled on page 1
Friday’s 5:30pm Holy Hour w/ Stations of the Cross QH
Stations of the Cross after weekend Masses
Thursday March 4
Holy Hour
Sunday March 8
7pm Shadow Stations SC
Monday March 16 5pm Holy Hour w/Pot Luck SC
Saturday March 21 Ignite, Men’s Conference, Syracuse
Monday March 23 through Thursday March 26 6:30pm SC
Parish Mission – “Back to Basics”
Palm Sunday, March 29 regular Sunday Mass schedule
4pm “Family Day of Prayer”
With spaghetti dinner in the Parish Center
Wednesday, April 1 6:30pm Holy Hour
Holy Thursday, April 2 5:30pm Seder Meal SC
7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper SC
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm
Good Friday, April 3 1pm Stations of the Cross SC
6pm Liturgy of the Passion of our Lord QH
This is a day of fasting and abstinence.
Easter Vigil, April 4 8pm SC
Easter Sunday, April 5 8:30am, QH 11am, SC
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 2:30pm SC
Thursday, May 14 Ascension Thursday
12:00pm Mass at Queen of Heaven
5:30pm Mass at St. Cecilia
Parish Picnic in celebration of Fr. Martin’s 10th
anniversary of the Priesthood – weekend of June 13-14
More detailed information in the bulletin at a later date.
Many of your questions can be answered with our
“Back to Basics”
We say we believe in “one, holy,
catholic, apostolic church,” what
does catholic and apostolic mean?
What is an ecumenical council, and
when was the last one?
What are the
parts of the
Holy Trinity?
is related to what
What are the Corporal and
Spiritual works of Mercy?
February 2015