
Schönheitschirurgie or cosmetic surgery – from taboo to must do
Schönheitsoperation or cosmetic surgeries have been around for about fifty years. Back in those
times, Hollywood stars and not only used to resort to this method in order to look younger, better,
more beautiful. In yesteryears, however, the procedure was not at all encouraged, on the contrary,
it was considered a taboo and many people would blame those who opposed and fought against
Nowadays these surgeries are more than encouraged and in some circles, they are a must at a
certain point in life. People are crazy about staying young and believe it or not, not only women
resort to them. Men also want to stay young for a longer period of time, but, of course, surgeries
such as breast lifting are out of question for them
What are the most common schönheitsoperation or cosmetic surgeries?
People have a tendency of imitating celebrities, and the VIPs most often resort to:
Face lifting – the surgery consists of removing excess skin from jaws and neck and tightening
the skin on the patient’s face. The procedure is not aimed, however, at reducing or
eliminating wrinkles.
Blepharoplasty – the most common used surgery that completely removes eye and mouth
wrinkles that appear due to laughter, frowning, smoking and sun exposure.
Breast lifting – can be done in two ways: silicone implants or by relocating adipose tissue.
Liposuction – the elimination of fat from certain areas of the body. Most often patients want
fat to be removed from their thighs, abdomen, buttocks and upper legs.
Hair implants – adding hair in area where it is absent.
Breast reduction – a surgery for both men and women which results in a reduced size of the
patient’s bosom.
Rhinoplasty – the reduction or augmentation of a person’s nasal pyramid.
There are, of course, more than just these seven examples, but these are the most popular among
There is a big difference between cosmetic surgeries and plastic surgeries. While some argue that
the first is a part of the latter, the two have different types of patients. While schönheitsoperation
or cosmetic surgeries are undertaken out of a whim or a psychological concern that a person no
longer feels beautiful and attractive, plastic surgeries deal with a patient’s ability to function.
Doctors perform plastic surgeries to those who present physical deformities, who were burnt or lost
parts of their bodies in an accident (such as an arm or a leg).