Name Math 7 Probability Word Problems Stewart You made 8 out of

Name __________________________________
Probability Word Problems
Math 7
You made 8 out of 15 shots on goal. Use experimental probability to predict how many goals
you will make tomorrow if you take 70 shots.
There are 1000 buttons in the jar. You randomly select 10 buttons and get 3 red, 4 blue, 2
white, 1 black. Use experimental probability to predict how many buttons in the jar are:
a. Red
b. Blue
c. White
d. Black
A die is rolled. What is the theoretical probability for rolling a 3?
Mary rolls a die six times and rolls a 3 on two of the rolls. What is the experimental probability
for rolling a 3?
Create a situation where the experimental probability and the theoretical probability have the
same value.
A coin is flipped. What is the theoretical probability for flipping a tail?
Mark and John flip a coin twenty times and get 8 heads, 12 tails. What is the experimental
probability for flipping a tail?
If Mark & John flip the coin 100 times, what do you think will happen to the experimental
Bart makes 20% of his free throws. If he takes 500 free throws, how many go in the basket?
Predict how many baskets Bart makes when he takes 25 free throws.
A factory produces 1000 light bulbs per minute. Each minute, one bulb produced will be
defective. What is the theoretical probability of selecting the defective bulb from the light
bulbs produced in one minute?
What is the theoretical probability of selecting a defective bulb from the light bulbs produced
in one hour?
Every 100th box of candy contains a prize. What is the theoretical probability for selecting the
box of candy with a prize?
A case contains 1000 boxes and how many prizes?
What is the probability of selecting a box containing a prize from a case?
Create a situation where the experimental probability is greater than the theoretical
10) How does understanding probability help someone who plays cards?