Of Mice and Men - Barrington 220

Of Mice and Men
Answer the following questions according to the article and your prior knowledge.
1. What are the qualities of Steinbeck’s novels? Why do you think they are still relevant today?
What makes literature relevant over time?
2. Re-read “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns. After reading the short biography of Steinbeck, why do
you think this poem inspired the title of his book? What impact do you think the poem and title
have on the story?
3. Based on Steinbeck’s biography, what period does he write about? Why do you think that is?
How does time period affect your understanding of the novel? Make a prediction about what
the novel will be about.
Read the following statements and determine if you agree or disagree with them. Be prepared to explain
your responses.
Having friends fulfills our basic human needs.
Mentally impaired people are worthless, and cannot function like “regular” people.
The American Dream does not exist.
Killing another human being is intolerable, and should be punished.
Running away from ones problems is never acceptable.