
CCA Meeting
October 12, 2015
Meeting was called to order by President Antoinette Murphy at 6:33pm.
Those in attendance: Antoinette Murphy, Carrie Hawkinson, Sarah Wooldridge, Stacy Carlson, Tara Townsend,
Rachelle Poyzer, Steve Eisemann
Antoinette Murphy read minutes from the September 14, 2015 meeting. Sarah Wooldridge moved and Stacy
Carlson seconded to approve the minutes with changes.
President’s Report: Calendar magnets are printed and have been sent home!
Treasurer’s Report: Stacy reported $13595.49 in deposits from Chicken Dinner. Ending cash balance of
$15367.73. Schwann’s should replace Market Day on the report. Sarah Wooldridge moved and Carrie Hawkinson
seconded to approve Treasurer’s Report.
Committee Reports:
Appreciation—Jennifer Anderson. No report.
Box Tops—Cheryl Fell. No report.
Chicken Dinner—Sarah Wooldridge, Stacy Carlson, Tricia Thomas, Stephanie Templeton. There were plenty of
desserts but did run out of some chicken but that was near the end of the dinner and didn’t seem to impact
negatively. We blew a few circuit breakers with the roasters. Barely used one can of coffee. Kids were kept busy
in the dining room. Waste Management is the only outstanding invoice but Mr. Eisemann said the school
adjusted their schedule to accommodate that so there will be no invoice. Brought in just under $8400 which is
slightly better than last year (about $350). 2nd place raffle winner donated the $250 prize back to the 4th and 8th
grade classes (Grant and Julia Robinson’s grandma).
CLA—Carrie Hawkinson. There is a play scheduled for November 6th at 1:40pm by the CSC Theatre Group. It is a
30-minute play , a lot of it mimed. Mr. Eisemann has approved what Susan Sharp, the director, submitted. Ann
Tucker from the United Way will be getting 72 flyers to Costa for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library—each
participating child will receive free books up to the age of 5!
Directory—Mary Donald. Final directory approved and it is being printed. We were still short one sponsor.
Schwann’s Cares—Tara Townsend, Rachelle Poyzer. $296 earned to-date. Rachelle will look into Market Day Pie
bonus days as Market Day still has the pie and cookie dough bonus days.
Fellowship—Rachelle Poyzer has the contacts for the local parishes and will notify them of Trunk or Treat as well
as Schwann’s to be included in the bulletins.
Recycle—Mary Donald. No report.
Soup Labels—Stacy Carlson. Stacy still waiting to hear from Mrs. Ricketts on any needs she has.
Cookies and Cocoa—Jennifer Anderson. No report but it was anticipated that the event would still happen
despite Marching Friars not marching in Holiday Parade.
Teacher Appreciation—Sarah Wooldridge, Krista Maciel. No report.
Trunk or Treat—Katie Bond. Sunday, October 25 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Information is on CCA Facebook page
and response has been good. There will be extension cords run from tractor shed if needed.
New Business
Remind new families of the CCA Facebook page.
Stacy Carlson moved to adjourn and Sarah Wooldridge seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, November 9, 2015 at 6:30pm.