
(OR Another famous figure of the French Revolution!)
An obituary is a brief biography that details the major parts of an individual’s life after they die.
We will be designing an obituary for another famous figure associated with the French
Revolution. Most obituaries include things like: Location and date of birth and death,
childhood events, education, career and major life events, retirement, personality traits that
define who that person was, and most importantly, what impact they had on the world.
Usually obituaries are positive in nature as the focus is on remembering the good about that
person, however, since this is a history class you are encouraged to break away from that mold
and highlight some of the negative aspects of whichever figure you choose. In many obituaries
a flattering picture of the person is also shown, so be sure to include a picture of your subject
somewhere near the front of the obituary.
How long? A MINIMUM of three paragraphs in length
***If you choose Napoleon, remember to highlight the most important parts of his career!!!
Write about his rise to power, important battles, foreign policy decisions, ambitions, downfall,
etc. ***