Workshop 2 - German Teachers` Association of Ireland

Annual Seminar & AGM
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Burke Theatre, Arts Building,
Trinity College, Dublin
8.30 – 9.30
Registration - Burke Theatre
9.30 – 10.00
Address by Chairperson Josephine Nielsen, Greeting, Outline of the Day,
General Discussion and Regional Proposals
10.00 -10.50
Workshops Session 1 – Registration Online Possible
10.50 – 11.30
Coffee Break & Stand Visit
11.30 – 12.20
Workshops 2
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 14.30
Guest Speakers
Registration Online Possible
Student Prize
Embassy Teacher Award
TeachMeet Introduction
14.45 – 15.45
TeachMeet 1 – Teacher/Participant Guidelines on
15.45 – 16.00
Evaluations and Certificate of Attendance
16.00 – 17.00
AGM - All Welcome
Workshops for Teachers
Register for two Workshops on
Please note the Workshops begin in the Morning Session
Workshop 1: Springboard to TY and Beyond!
Room 3027, 1st Floor, Arts Building
Claire Matthews [Advisor PDST]
This workshop will focus on practical teaching and learning methodologies to support students of
MFL in Transition Year and into Senior Cycle. There will be an emphasis on active learning as well
as the integration of ICT, all of which are transferable to other year groups and contexts.
Workshop 2: „Moderne
Room 3051, 1st Floor, Arts Building
Frau Mag. Barbara Mairleitner
Digital Storytelling - Multimediales Erzählen im DaF-Unterricht: „Digital Storytelling“
verbindet die uralte Kunst des mündlichen Geschichtenerzählens mit dem Einsatz multimedialer
Technologie. Die Lernenden erzählen eine Geschichte aus ihrem Leben und dokumentieren diese
in einem kurzen Video. Dabei kommen Fotos, Videos, Graphiken, die eigene Stimme und maximale
sprachliche und emotionale Leistung zum Einsatz. Es entstehen „echte“ Geschichten mit einer
starken Botschaft, die die Fertigkeit Sprechen fördern, die Gruppendynamik fördern und stolz
Nach einem Kurzvortrag und der Präsentation eines Unterrichtsbeispiels werden Sie selbst eine
Mini-Digital Story erarbeiten.
Damit Sie in der kurzen Workshopzeit effizient arbeiten können, bringen Sie bitte
Folgendes mit:
- einen Laptop oder ein Tablet mit einem Videobearbeitungsprogramm (z.B. MovieMaker
(Windows), iMovie (Apple), etc.)
- ein kurzes (unkompliziertes!) Video mit einer persönlichen Geschichte zum Thema: Das
schönste Erlebnis in meinem DeutschlehrerInnendasein ODER: Das schrecklichste Erlebnis in
meinem Deutschlehrerinnendasein.
* Das Video soll 40 bis maximal 60 Sekunden lang sein
* Sie können es mit dem Handy, Tablet, Ihrer Digitalkamera o.ä. aufnehmen.
* Es wäre schön, wenn Sie auf dem Video zu sehen sind, also vor laufender Kamera Ihre Geschichte
erzählen. Sie müssen aber nicht unbedingt zu sehen sein, wenn Sie das nicht wollen.
* Auf alle Fälle muss aber Ihre Stimme zu hören sein! SIE sollen IHRE Geschichte erzählen!
- Bringen Sie Ihre Geschichte auf USB-Stick, Speicherkarte o.ä. zum Workshop mit! Danke!
Workshop 3: ICT uses in the Classroom
Room 3071, 1st Floor Arts Building
Post Primary Languages Initiative (PPLI) Kenia Puig Planella
This session will present 3 free ICT tools for language teachers. I will introduce these tools and
give practical ideas of how they can be used in the classroom and as a resource for teachers.
Padlet is an online, electronic “wall” where students can post comments or answer questions for
the entire class to see and respond to. The possibilities are endless since the link can be shared
with students who can easily access the wall electronically in class or from home. The teacher can
upload videos, photos or documents.
Blendspace allows teachers to create interactive lessons with multiple resources in a few minutes.
It is a great tool to promote differentiation and for projects. Blendspace can also be used for
teachers to collect a variety of resources by topic. In Blendspace you can also access other
teachers’ resources and lessons. Blendspace has built–in assessment and lesson tracking which
allows teachers to monitor students’ performance.
Plickers allows you to ask questions and get feedback from to the whole class without the need
for student devices. Just give each student a card (a “paper clicker”), and use your phone to scan
them to do instant checks-for-understanding, exit tickets, and impromptu polls. The results can be
saved so you can track students’ progress.
Workshop 4: New Role Plays (2017-2020) for the Leaving Certificate
Room 3081, 1st Floor Arts Building
Caroline Ahearne
Suggestions and Tips for the New Roll Plays for the Leaving Certificate
Workshop 5: New Picture Sequences (2017-2020) for the Leaving Certificate
Oral Examination
Room 3106, 1st Floor Arts Building
Louise Reeves and Margit
Bildergeschichte Preparation with two presenters, a native speaker and experienced examiner
including follow up questions for the, Erklärungen, Zukunftspläne und Problemkreise.
Workshop 6: Leaving Certificate Oral Exam: The Project
Room 3126, 1st Floor Arts Building
Barbara Capper
Workshop 7: Fit in Deutsch
Room 4047 2st Floor Arts Building
Marlies McGuire – Goethe Institut
Passing the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch 1 examination proves that you can make yourself
understood in simple German. The examination requires a basic knowledge of German. It
corresponds to level one (A1) on the six-level scale of competence laid down in the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages.
understand simple questions, notices and phone messages as well as information on the radio
about an everyday situation and in brief conversations
gather the main information from short written messages, advertisements, descriptions, letters
and simple newspaper articles
write brief personal messages
introduce yourself in a conversation and answer questions about yourself
ask and reply to simple questions in a conversation on topics affecting you
make common requests and formulate questions in everyday situations, and reply or respond to
Workshop 8: Leargas and Erasmus +
Room 4050 A, 2nd Floor Arts Building
Eva Creely , Leargas
Opportunities for schools to undertake international training and partnerships are available under
the Erasmus Plus Programme. The priorities include the development of professional competences
and the promotion of language skills.
Teachers can be involved in international training courses, job-shadowing or teaching assignments.
Schools can undertake projects with partner schools and organisations across Europe which
involve visits, joint activities and the production of materials.
Léargas is the National Agency for the Programme in Ireland and is interested in
having applications from Irish schools for 2016.
Workshop 9: Introducing German in a Taster System: Some Ideas
Room 4050 B, 2nd Floor Arts Building
Kim McCarney
In this workshop you will get ideas for all the beginner themes for 1st year German. These include
worksheets, powerpoints, songs and activities. These have been tried and tested and the students
seem to love them. They can also be useful for TY German students who plan to give a taster class
to the local primary schools.