Annex I to IOM No 190-07 - FAST-NU

Annex I to IOM No 190/07
Memorandum of understanding between National university of Computer and Emerging Sciences
and Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering for Collaboration in postgraduate education (MS &
PhD.) by pooling faculty, staff and research infrastructure
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is executed on 29th day of August 2007 by and
The National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences currently located at FAST House,
Rohtas Road, G-9/4, Islamabad, Pakistan (hereinafter referred to as "FAST-NU") of the one part,
and The Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan currently located at 19
Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan (hereinafter referred to as "CASE") of the other part.
WHEREAS one of the purposes of the establishment of FAST-NU is to promote and impart quality
education in Science and Technology in Pakistan;
AND WHEREAS one of the purposes of the establishment of CASE is to promote and advance
postgraduate education in Engineering and Technology in Pakistan;
WHEREAS, both FAST-NU and CASE are desirous of cooperating with each other in their
common objective of promoting and imparting Engineering and Information Technology education
at the postgraduate level (both MS and Ph.D.) in Pakistan, and wish to pursue this objective through
collaboration by sharing scarce faculty resource along with the research infrastructure and to set an
example of cooperation which will act as a beacon for the rest of the universities.
NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed between FAST-NU and CASE as under:
FAST-NU and CASE agree to collaborate (from the students’ perspective) in areas of
Computer Science, Engineering, and Information Technology. The initial objective of
this venture is to allow students of FAST-NU to enroll in the courses being offered at
CASE and vice versa. FAST-NU and CASE agree that they will timely share the course
plan for each semester in order to facilitate their students to make a timely decision.
FAST-NU and CASE will give full credit to each other’s courses in their postgraduate
FAST-NU and CASE also agree that the registration of courses will happen at the parent
institute of the students. More, the students will pay the tuition fee per course of their
parent institution at their parent institution**. The middleware that will coordinate the
registration, transfer of tuition fee of the enrolled students for each subject, and
submission of the grades for the subjects will be transparent to the students***. However,
once registered in a course, the students will be subject to the rules and regulations of the
institute, where they are taking the course.
FAST-NU and CASE also agree to allow their students to select a thesis (both MS and
PhD) supervisor from their combined faculty pool. This will facilitate the students of
both institutes to choose their topic from a pool of relatively large research areas.
FAST-NU and CASE also agree that they will provide unrestricted access to each
other’s students to their library services.
FAST-NU and CASE will facilitate their respective academic councils in every possible
way to periodically conduct comprehensive academic audit of the courses that are of
mutual interest****.
The management of both institutes will maintain close collaboration and keep on
exploring the avenues for future collaborative work and projects.
Signed at Islamabad, Pakistan, on
For and on behalf of FAST-NU
1. Dr. Amir Mohammad
2. Prof Dr. Ayub Alvi
29th Day of August 2007
For and on behalf of CASE, Islamabad
1. Prof Ali Haider
2. Prof. Dr Farrukh Kamran
The detailed mechanism to provide grades in the format of the parent institute of a student will be
discussed by the program coordinators of both institutes.
This understanding holds as long as the tuition fee per subject of both institutes does not
significantly differ. Moreover, Program coordinators will communicate the exact amount that their
respective institute charges per course at the beginning of each semester.
The program coordinators of both institutes will approve design, development and
implementation of the middleware.
The purpose of academic audit is to ensure a high standard of the courses that are of mutual
interest. It might involve providing detailed course outline, examinations, description of semester
projects and the grading criteria.