Dear I am excited to share with you about a new ministry called

I am excited to share with you about a new ministry called Changed Lives Christian Center (CLCC). CLCC
is a faith-based ministry that offers transitional housing to homeless men in our community. This
program addresses everything from jobs, long term housing, education and counseling. The mission is
to take human beings who are presently homeless and weave them back into the fabric of productive
On Sept 1st, CLCC offered housing to its first 6 residents and they are adding new men monthly until the
facility is at full capacity of 72. As a fledgling non profit, they are anticipating the significant positive
impact CLCC will have in decreasing chronic homelessness in Birmingham. But they need community
Please support CLCC by making a gift as a part of the 20/20 Campaign. It is simple... I am asking
20 friends to give $20 each. You can mail your check at the address below or if you donate online,
please indicate 20/20 in the purpose field. This small gift can truly help to change lives!
If you would like to hear more about CLCC and how they are changing lives, please visit their website at or call the center to take a tour at 205-521-6421.
Thanks for your support!!!
Your name
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Changed Lives Christian Center
20/20 Campaign Fall 2010
Please send your check to:
1308 26th Ave North
20/20 Sponsor ____________________________
Birmingham, AL 35204
OR donate online at