Date State Representative/State Senator Legislative Office Building

State Representative/State Senator
Legislative Office Building
210 Capital Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Dear ________________________,
This letter is to request that you vote against the proposed budget item that would mandate the taxation of veterinary services.
Many Connecticut residents remain unemployed or underemployed. I understand that our state is facing unprecedented deficits, but it is inappropriate that our legislature initiate a tax on animal health care for several
This tax on veterinary services would place an additional financial burden on both animal owners and veterinary facilities. This tax has the potential to have significant human and animal health ramifications.
The ongoing economic slump is still having an impact on both the owners of all our CT animals, and the veterinarians providing their care. For owners, quite a few already delay seeking medical care for their companion
and livestock animals due to limited funds. They are faced with hard choices daily. For most people, veterinary
care is paid for with their limited discretionary funds. This tax would exacerbate Connecticut residents inability
to care for animals, with the end result being increased suffering, neglect, abandonment or euthanasia of animals. Likewise, veterinarians and veterinary facilities must continue to support their staff and hospital so they
can provide care to those who need it. A decline in revenue due to a drop off in the numbers of clients seeking their services affects their ability to meet their financial obligations, potentially affecting their staffing operations. A sales tax on these essential services will have to be paid for by the animal owning citizens of CT making proper care of our animals that much more challenging.
On the public health front we should be concerned that the burden this tax adds to individuals may interfere
with the public maintaining the vaccination status of their animals against important zoonotic diseases such as
Rabies and Leptospirosis. Additionally, veterinary care plays a critical role in assessing, educating and preventing intestinal parasites and tick borne diseases that can equally impact the owners and their families. Pet
and livestock owners facing limited financial means often erroneously skip seeking care when they perceive
that their pet is healthy, thus setting themselves, their family and the public up for possible zoonotic related
health issues. It makes no sense to put people at risk by putting up additional barriers by making animal health
care more expensive.
Presently only three states collect sales tax on veterinary services. The other 47 states, including Connecticut,
have until now understood that taxing necessary veterinary care will mean less care and worsening animal and
human welfare.
I urge you to find another way to balance our state budget, and get Connecticut moving again. Let's not do it at
a health cost to our animals or by placing a financial burden on animal owners. Thank you.