Board Minutes - Carlisle Local School District

AUGUST 25, 2014
The Carlisle Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, August 25, 2014 in the Choir/Lecture Room
located in Carlisle High School at 250 Jamaica Road, Carlisle, Ohio.
Board President David Clay called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following roll of attendance present:
Mr. Clay, Mrs. Tammy Lainhart, Mr. James Campbell, Mr. Bryan Dunkman, and Mr. Bill Jewell.
Mr. Clay asked those in attendance to stand with the Board for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Leah Warner, Jessica Swan, Richard Grimes, Leah Cole, and Rebecca Walters were introduced to the Board of
Education as new teachers for 2014-2015.
Mr. Dan Bassler announced that the Board is registered for the Capital Conference November 10-12.
(2014-94) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the July 28 Board minutes.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
(2014-95) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the Financial Report.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
(2014-96) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the donation of photos and
time worth $1,300 for the 2013-2014 CHS and CMS yearbooks and newsletters.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Mr. Larry Hook gave the Board of Education members an update on the start of the 2014-2015 school year.
Certified: Employment
(2014-97) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the hiring of Rebecca Walters
as ½ time preschool Special Education teacher, retroactive to August 18.
Roll Call:
Motion Carried
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Classified: Resignations
(2014-98) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approved the resignations of Sandra
Branham as Grigsby Intermediate secretary, Tracy Kelley as custodian, Jessica Burress as GI attendance secretary,
and Kris Milligan as GI classroom aide.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Classified: Employment
(2014-99) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the employment of Jessica
Burress as GI principal’s secretary, Jim Ball as head bus mechanic, Lynn Ruzzo as GI attendance secretary, Niki
Bowling as CHS kitchen worker, Randy Brewer as custodial worker, and Dustin Venters as substitute custodian.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Supplemental: Resignations
(2014-100) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to approve the resignation of Eddie
Woodson from the position of junior high 7 th grade football coach.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Supplemental: Employment
(2014-101) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the following supplemental
Kyle Schreiber as 1/3 assistant #2 summer band
Carla Brown as quarter-long mentor for Jessica Swan, and semester-long mentor for
Rebecca Walters, retroactive to August 1
Dalton Woodson as junior high 7th grade football coach
Eddie Woodson as volunteer junior high football coach
Randy Glover as volunteer varsity assistant golf coach
Tracy Glover as quarter-long mentor for Heather Adams
Jimmy Branson, Carry Branson, Erika Sprandel, and Brian Sprandel as CMS site
Dave Parker, Bert Wray, Randy Glover, Don Ridinger, Eric Hodge, and Nathan Carmack
as CHS site managers
Approve Instructional Teacher Leaders 2014-2015
High School: Language Arts – Chris Curry, Social Studies – Kelly Crowe, Math – Michele
Murphy, Science – Jenny Henry; Middle School: Language Arts – Katie Schulz, Social
Studies – Audrey Winkler, Math – Heather Conger, Science – Courtney Fogle; Intermediate
School: Grade 5 – Laura Tomko, Grade 4 – Stacy Lipps, Grade 3 – Amanda Miller;
Elementary School: Grade 2 – Rebecca Sherwood, Grade 1 – Staci Colvin, Grade K – Susan
Mong; District-wide: Exceptional/Gifted Learners K-12 – Deanne Johnson, Unified Arts K12 – Erika Sprandel, Career Technologies K-12 – Tom Kishpaugh, Special Education K-12 –
Julie Lee, Co-Chair 6-12 – Michele Murphy, Co-Chair K-5 – Stacy Lipps
Roll Call:
Motion Carried
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Jewell
Nay – Mr. Dunkman
(2014-102) It was moved by Mr. Jewell and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve Todd Millar as junior high 8 th
grade football coach.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – Mr. Clay
Abstain – Mrs. Lainhart
Motion Carried
General District Business
(2014-103) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve:
Lease agreement with Warren County Community Services Early Learning Center for
Head Start classroom (Attachment D)
Resolution for declaring transportation to be impractical (Attachment E)
Approval of CHS sophomore New York City Trip April 8-12, 2015; no expense to school
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Legislative Report: HBH 597 was discussed.
New Business: Mr. Clay stated that the Board needs to set a Board self-evaluation meeting. He will
coordinate with schedules to set a date and time. Mr. Clay also stated he would like to see an informational
summary on prospective candidates for hire.
(2014-104) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Campbell to adjourn the meeting.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Mr. Clay, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell
Nay – none
Motion Carried
Board President David Clay adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m. in accord with the motion.
Board President David Clay
Daniel L. Bassler, Treasurer
All Board Members
Mr. Larry Hook, Superintendent