CE Williams Handbook 2014-2015

CE Williams Middle
Choral Handbook
Mr. Brazell- Director of Choral Activities
Kevin Smith- CEWMS Principal
CE Williams Middle School
640 Butte St
Charleston, SC 29414
Table Of Contents
1) Welcome Letter
Pg. 3
2) Mr. Brazell’s Philosophy of Music Education
Pg. 4
3) Mr. Brazell’s Promise to Students
Pg. 4
4) Classroom Procedures
Pg. 5
5) Steps for Procedure Violations
Pg. 6
6)Performance Procedures
Pg. 7
7) Mr. Brazell’s Grading Policy
Pg. 8
8) Fundraising
Pg. 9
9) Choral Officers
Pg. 9
10) Calendar of Events
Pg. 10
11) Top 10 Reasons Someone Should Have A Music Education
Pg. 11
12) CE Williams Choral Program Contract
Pg. 12
Welcome student.
I would like to start with 2 quotes I think will provide a nice image of what is to come this year:
1) “Music is the art of thinking with sounds.”
2) “The difficult must become habitual.
The habitual must become natural.
The natural must become beautiful.
The beautiful will become magical.”
My name is Mr. Brazell and I will be your new Choral Music teacher for the 2013/2014
school year. I could not be more excited to get started working with all of you! Choral music is
music which is sung and played by many people of many backgrounds striving towards one
common goal, which is to convey the meaning the text and the notes being played/sung have!
I plan to work diligently with all of you to create and mold an outstanding choral program at
CE Williams Middle School. Further, many opportunities to sing and perform will be provided
throughout the upcoming year! There will be performances in the Fall and Spring, as well as offsight opportunities such as All-County, All-State, etc.
In this class you will learn all of the basic knowledge needed to succeed in any musical form,
including Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, etc. Further, I will instruct you on other items more specific to
choral music, such as Vocal Pedagogy (how the voice works and how to sing properly), Musical
Expressivity, Score Reading, Music History and Music Theory.
Most importantly, I will strive to ensure that ALL students have an incredible learning
experience in which they grow educationally and personally! I truly am excited to serve CE Williams
in this capacity and know that together we will “reach new heights”!
Mr. Brazell
Choral Music-Director
Mr. Brazell's Music Education Philosophy Statement
My philosophy is one of a very simple concept: Any child who shows an
interest in singing should have the opportunity to do so without being ostracized for their
desire. Therefore, as the new CE Williams Choral Director, I have made it my mission to
form a plethora of ensembles so all students will have an opportunity to perform,
whether they be a seasoned singer or someone who has never looked at a piece sheet
music before. My ONLY stipulation to becoming a member of any of my choirs is this;
You enjoy the art of singing, and enter with an open mind, eager to learn and
have fun!
What you can expect from Mr. Brazell
1) Courtesy, Kindness, and Encouragement
2) A promise to provide the best, most inclusive, well-rounded instruction in Music
Education that I can provide, in order to develop your ability to sing with a proper
technique. Further, I will ensure that you are exposed to a variety of music so you may
better understand Choral Music, and its implications in today’s society.
3) A teacher who cares about your success, and will do everything in his power to
ensure that you reach your full potential!
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. "
~Victor Hugo
Mr. Brazell's Classroom Expectations:
1) Mind your manners:
a) Always be respectful of the teacher and your fellow classmates.
b) If you have a question, always raise your hand and wait to be called on.
c) Never yell at another student or the teacher, nor say mean things to anyone
in the class.
2) Use appropriate language:
a) When speaking with others, always use polite words like Please, Thank you.
b) NO cursing is allowed in the classroom.
3) Show Up Prepared:
a) When coming to class, always make sure to have all required materials such
as Music, Pencils, Notebooks, etc.
b) If an assignment has been issued, make sure to have completed it PRIOR to
coming to class.
4) Intend to excel:
a) Always come to class with the intention of learning as much as possible.
b) Always come to class with the intention of giving 110%!
5) Cooperation:
a) Be a team player with your fellow classmates. If you see someone needing
help with their music, supplies, etc. be willing to lend a helping hand (or pencil)!
b) When sitting, or not singing, look at your music and remain quiet, so
that others will not have distractions while trying to learn their parts.
Steps for Classroom Procedure Violations
Being tardy is not in your seat, ready to go when the class bell rings:
1st Violation: Verbal Warning
2nd Violation: Verbal Warning and marked tardy
3rd Violation: Marked tardy the infraction will be documented.
4th and subsequent violations: Marked tardy, parent notification, and attendance
grade lowered
Classroom Conduct
Classroom conduct is the way in which you behave and interact with your teacher and
fellow students. Courtesy, respect and kindness are always expected of all students
while at CE Williams Middle School. This is inclusive, but not limited to, use of
language, attitude, behavior conduct, etc.
-The order of consequence is subject to change, based on severity of violation, to be
determined by Mr. Brazell:
1st Violation: Verbal Warning
2nd Violation: Violation documented and referred to the appropriate source
3rd Violation: Parents notified and referred to the appropriate source.
4th and subsequent violation: Parents notified, referred to the appropriate source,
and not allowed to attend any field trips or extracurricular activities for semester.
Class Preparedness
Music, Pencils and other supplies: Students must come to EVERY class period with
appropriate music and supplies.
1st Violation: Verbal Warning
2nd Violation: Student will meet with teacher, and preparedness grade could be
lowered. A plan will be developed to remedy the situation.
3rd and Subsequent Violation: Student will meet with teacher and parents, and
preparedness grade could be further lowered.
Concert Attire
The concert attire required for ALL choirs will consists of:
-White Longs sleeve Button down shirt
-Black dresses (no less than 2 inches
-Black dress pants
above the knees)
-Black socks
Black or Nude Hose
-Black Tuxedo shoes
Black Flats (NO HIGH HEELS)
(NO DESIGNS/LOGOS, other colors, or patterns may be on the outfits listed above). No
sweatpants, shorts or jeans of any kind may be worn. This uniform is for formal concerts
and performances, including field trips unless otherwise noted.
-If finance becomes an issue with affording these costumes, please speak with me, and
we will try and find a solution that best suits everyone! What is most important is you are
able to sing and learn!
Extra/Community Performances
•Occasionally, the chorus may be asked to sing at community events. As these events
are scheduled, every effort will be made to communicate this information with parents.
Concert Etiquette
•Concert Etiquette is a very serious concern, and something that both students and
parents should be knowledgeable of in order to ensure the best performance
experience possible for performers and audience alike.
When Performing in a Concert
When performing in a concert, here are a few things to remember:
1) Ensure you wear appropriate attire, and be ON TIME.
2) Always have all required music, and other supplies needed
3) When on stage, keep your eyes on the director, not the audience or your friends.
4) NEVER talk to the people around you while in a performance
5) Make sure to have nothing that makes noise (cell phones, games, iPod, etc)
Classroom Grading Policy:
Sight Singing Quizzes
A: 100-93
B: 92-86
C: 85-78
D: 77-70
F: 69 and below
Test: 4 tests will be given throughout the semester, covering the information that will be taught
throughout the semester. Each test is out of a possible 100 points.
Sight Singing Quizzes: Students will be given periodical quizzes throughout semester on
pieces, or sections of pieces, and will sing in quartets/octets. Students will be graded on
harmonic and rhythmic accuracy, as well as pronunciation of text, dynamics, and annunciation
of consonants.
Participation: Students are expected to be in class, ready to go before the bell rings to begin
the period. Student’s presence is required for choir to ensure that the student gains the
necessary knowledge of the material covered, as well as to help provide an overall balance to
the ensemble.
-Whilst in class, students must actively participate in singing, discussions, and
projects. Students are allowed 1 sit-out per 9 weeks due to sickness or vocal fatigue.
Any sit-outs, constituting that student not participate, past this could result in a lowering
of the student’s participation grade.
-Concert attendance is very important for the student to ensure they attend.
Dates will be given towards the beginning of the semester in order to ensure the student
will have plenty of time to make necessary accommodations. If assistance is needed for
a student to attend a concert, the student needs to speak with Mr. Brazell ahead of time
to find alternative solutions. Any unexcused failure to attend a concert or rehearsal,
during school or after school, WILL result in the student's grade being lowered. (Look at
excused absences section for a more detailed clarification of excused absences.)
Further, any students who receive 3 or more referrals for the year, may result
in not participating in any performance opportunities. An alternate assignment will be
given to these students to assess their knowledge and provide a grade. If a student
misses a performance because of behavior, they may also be removed from choir the
following semester/year.
Preparation: Students are expected to come to every class with music, pencils and folders,
and all other necessary supplies. Assignments are expected to be completed and ready prior to
the class period they are due. Any failure to do this could result in the lowering of the student’s
Homework: Homework will be assigned throughout the school year for differing tasks,
including score learning, writing exercises, music theory and history worksheets, etc. Students
are expected to complete homework and return it within the time parameters given. NO
extensions will be given on homework assignments without a school-accepted excuse.
CE Williams Middle School
Choral Department Fees
Required Fees:
Uniform T-shirt
Music and Supplies
Music Theory Book
Clinic and Audition Fees
If a student is in both choirs, the fee is $60. The extra $20 will cover any clinics or auditions they may do
separately in each choir. Further, the money goes towards buying music for two different choirs. They do
not need to purchase another shirt or theory book, however, as these are used by all students in the
choral program.
Optional fees that can be paid at later dates:
Choir Hoodie
$25 – Due September 15, 2014
Choir Crew neck Sweatshirt
$20 – Due September 15, 2014
Choir Long Sleeved T-shirt
$15 – Due September 15, 2014
Choir Additional T-shirt
$10 – Due September 15, 2014
Kyle Brazell
Director of Choral Activities
C.E. Williams Middle School for Creative and Scientific Arts
640 Butte Street
Charleston, SC 29414
Charleston County School District
Office: (843) 763-1529
Fax: (843) 763-5955
"Excellence is our Standard!"
Important Information
Concert Attendance:- Concert attendance is of the utmost importance in this class. A concert
is the culmination of work and effort the students gained throughout the semester. Further,
because of the nature of a choir, your student plays a very significant role. Not attending a
performance could substantially disrupt the balance of sound, affecting everyone involved.
Therefore, it is REQUIRED that your student attends the scheduled performances, barring
exigent circumstances. Below are some examples (not exclusively) as to why a student would
be allowed/not allowed to miss a performance.
Excused Absence
Illness or death in family
Student is sick (Doctor’s note required)
Non-Excused Absence
Sporting event
Family trip
Birthday party
Church event
The Dates for the performances are given on the first day of class, which is providing the
students with the dates 5-10 months ahead of time. Students are asked to make Mr. Brazell
aware of ANY conflicts before signing and returning the agreement form.
If any student misses a performance for an excused reason they will be given a
research paper as an alternate assignment to complete within a 2 week period of the missed
performance. If a student misses for an unexcused absence, they will be given a 0 for the
performance, and may be removed from the choral program. For any questions, please talk with
Mr. Brazell as soon as possible.
Failure to Complete Work
In the choral program, as well as at CE Williams, students are held to an incredibly high
standard. As such, students are REQUIRED to turn in all assignments. If a student misses an
assignment, a parent letter will be sent home notifying the parent of the missed assignment, and
no opportunity to make up the grade will be offered.
If student’s fail to complete a second assignment, they will be placed on choral
probation, where they will be required to attend two tutoring sessions before or after school, as
well as complete a remediation theory book. After these things are completed, students will be
given a test to show knowledge of concepts missed while on probation. If a student misses
another assignment, or fails to complete the probation period, they will not be allowed to sing in
the concert and will be given an alternate assignment in its place.
Remind 101 Instructions
6th Bel Canto
6th Mustang Chorale
7th Bel Canto
7th Mustang Chorale
8th Bel Canto
8th Mustang Chorale
Chamber Choir
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew6bc
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew6mc
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew7bc
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew7mc
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew8bc
Text (864) 249-1258 @cew8mc
Text (864) 249-1258 @mrbrazell
The Practice Room
To log onto the practice room, students go
to www.thepracticeroom.net and login.
Username: lastname_firstname
Password: chorusce1
In choral music, multiple opportunities will be presented to the students, including
opportunities to sing with other schools in the district, state, and nation, as well as field
trips, singing competitions, etc. However, these opportunities do come at a cost. To try
and offset these cost without asking for too much “out-of-pocket” expense for the
students and their families, we will discuss and decide upon a fundraising activity for the
Fall and Spring. Participation from students will be mandatory in these fundraisers. This
is two-fold:
1) The money being raised by the students will go back to them via music, supplies,
and helping to pay for opportunities the students may be chosen to pursue
2) This will help the students take ownership and Pride in their Choral program and
its success!
With our hard work and support, we are going to be able to build a fantastic choral
program that everyone can greatly benefit from for years to come!
Choral Officers
Due to the nature of a choir, the complete success of the program is dependent upon
not only its director, but also the students within. Therefore, to help promote ownership
of the choir, Student leaders will be appointed each 9 weeks for the choir for 6th, 7th, and
8th grade. The positions are:
1) Soprano Section Leader
2) Alto Section Leader
3) Tenor/Bass Section Leader
-Section Leaders will be in charge of helping Mr. Brazell keep attendance, ensuring
students in their sections have supplies, ensuring students are on tasks, etc. The
section leaders will be appointed by Mr. Brazell based on their diligence, preparedness,
participation, enthusiasm for Choir, etc.
Calendar Of Events
1) December 17th- Dress Rehearsal for Fall Choral Concert
-Rehearsal will be at Charleston Baptist Church
2) December 18th- Fall Choral Concert
-Concert will be at Charleston Baptist Church
3) May 27th- Dress Rehearsal for Spring Concert
-Rehearsal will be held at John Wesley United Methodist Church
3) May 28th- Spring Choral Concert
-Concert will be at John Wesley United Methodist Church
*All dates/venues are subject to change, and as much prior notification will
be given as possible.
Music Advocacy’s Top 10 for Parents
1. In a 2000 survey, 73 percent of respondents agree that teens who play an instrument or sing are
less likely to have discipline problems.
- Americans Love Making Music – And Value Music Education More Highly Than Ever, American
Music Conference, 2000.
2. Students who can perform complex rhythms can also make faster and more precise corrections in
many academic and physical situations, according to the Center for Timing, Coordination, and Motor
- Rhythm seen as key to music’s evolutionary role in human intellectual development, Center for
Timing, Coordination, and Motor Skills, 2000.
3. A ten-year study indicates that students who study music achieve higher test scores, regardless of
socioeconomic background.
- Dr. James Catterall, UCLA.
4. A 1997 study of elementary students in an arts-based program concluded that students’ math test
scores rose as their time in arts education classes increased.
- “Arts Exposure and Class Performance,” Phi Delta Kappan, October, 1998.
5. First-grade students who had daily music instruction scored higher on creativity tests than a
control group without music instruction.
- K.L. Wolff, The Effects of General Music Education on the Academeic Achievement, PerceptualMotor Development, Creative Thinking, and School Attendance of First-Grade Children, 1992.
6. In a Scottish study, one group of elementary students received musical training, while another
other group received an equal amount of discussion skills training. After six (6) months, the students
in the music group achieved a significant increase in reading test scores, while the reading test
scores of the discussion skills group did not change.
- Sheila Douglas and Peter Willatts, Journal of Research in Reading, 1994.
7. According to a 1991 study, students in schools with arts-focused curriculums reported significantly
more positive perceptions about their academic abilities than students in a comparison group.
- Pamela Aschbacher and Joan Herman, The Humanitas Program Evaluation, 1991.
8. Students who are rhythmically skilled also tend to better plan, sequence, and coordinate actions in
their daily lives.
- “Cassily Column,” TCAMS Professional Resource Center, 2000.
9. In a 1999 Columbia University study, students in the arts are found to be more cooperative with
teachers and peers, more self-confident, and better able to express their ideas. These benefits exist
across socioeconomic levels.
- The Arts Education Partnership, 1999.
College admissions officers continue to cite participation in music as an important factor in making
admissions decisions. They claim that music participation demonstrates time management,
creativity, expression, and open-mindedness.
- Carl Hartman, “Arts May Improve Students’
Grades,” The Associated Press, October, 1999.
Choral Handbook Agreement Form
Mr. Brazell CE Williams Choral Handbook
Contract Confirmation
To find my full handbook, visit my webpage at:
I have read the contents of the 2014/2015 Mr. Brazell's CE Williams Choral Handbook. I
understand that if there are any conflicts I must discuss with Mr. Brazell as soon as
possible, in order to determine eligibility/ possibility of my participating in Choir this
Student Signature/Date
I have read the contents of the 2014/2015 Mr. Brazell's CE Williams Choir Handbook. I
understand that if there are any conflicts I must discuss with Mr. Brazell as soon as
possible, in order to determine eligibility/ possibility of my student participating in Chorus
this year.
Parent Signature/Date
*Parents and students:
Please sign this form, and return to Mr. Brazell by Monday, August 26th!Submission of
this contract IS REQUIRED and will be collected for a grade!