Pinch Pot Whistle

Lesson: Pinch Pot Whistle (animal)
(Arts and Craft 1)
Big Idea: Students will implement Elements and Principles of art through Texture and Shape/form by creating a
clay whistle that they will transform in to an animal.
Unit Objective:
STANDARD I: Understanding Art, what should my Art be? A.1.1. A.1.3. A.1.4. A.1.6A.1.7A.1.9
STANDARD II: Create an Original work of Art A.2.2.
STANDARD III: Critique and Self-Assessment of Art A.3.4. Prepare and present their own work in exhibit/display
format, actual or virtual A.3.5. Assemble a portfolio of their own work that reflects visual art experiences and
shows growth and potential over a period of time
Lesson Objective: The student’s will:
1. Create tools for pottery
2. Create a whistle using the pinch pot process
3. Add clay to create a sculpture of an animal, insect or reptile
4. Create Texture on the final sculpture
5. Work to understand the clay firing process
Assessment: Self-Assessment Sheet
White clay
Fork for scoring
Bamboo skewer
Ceramic Whistle Handout
1. For this pinch pot project, you will need first to learn how to make a whistle that
actually makes a sound. For some really good step-by-step instructions, you can
use this How to Make a Ceramic Whistle Handout
2. Once you have mastered creating a functioning whistle, you can get creative. You can
go to the above links to see some pictures of various clay whistles. The
Resources page also has whistle links.
3. Extra Creative Animal Whistles: Decide what animal you want to represent and do
some thumbnail sketches of it until you have worked out how you will make
your whistle. Some of the problems you encounter might be:
Where will the mouthpiece be?
How will I incorporate the air hole into my design so that the whistle will still work?
Can I make the animal without small thin pieces that might break?
How can I add pieces to my whistle form without blocking the flow of air?
4. Once your whistle is made, it needs to dry. You will want it to dry slowly. Lightly drape
a piece of plastic over it for a few days and then take the plastic off and let it dry
for a few more days. It is important that you ensure that it is completely dry
before you fire it in the kiln.
5. When you take it out of the kiln, the clay will be very porous and will tend to absorb
paint that you put on it. For this reason it is important to seal the surface with a
primer. I just use regular latex paint primer or artists' acrylic paint primer.
After the primer is dry, you can mix the colors you want on a palette
and paint your creature.
Closure/Exit slip
3 mins
Students will clean up their work area
Pinch Pot Vases Rubric
Vases are
created by
putting two
pinch pots
Low Performance
At or Below
At or Above
Exemplary Performance
10 Points
15 Points
18 Points
20 Points
Student did not put Student put two
two pots together pots together,
or the seam is very but you can still
see the seam
10 Points
15 Points
Seam of pots is There is no visible seam at
almost invisible.
all on vase.
18 Points
20 Points
Sides of vases are Thickness of sides Sides of vases are Sides of vases are Sides of vases are 1/4 inch
1/4 inch thick
of vases is 1/2 inch about 1/4 inch
about 1/4 inch throughout and very even
or more. It is a thick but there is throughout and
and smooth.
almost perfectly
heavy vase.
10 Points
15 Points
18 Points
20 Points
Vases are glazed Glaze is very spotty Vases are glazed Vases are glazed Vases are evenly glazed
inside and out. and uneven. Inside inside and out. inside and out very inside and out. Bottom of
may not even be
evenly. Bottom pot is neatly painted. No
edge not perfectly
thin spots.
10 Points
Designs are
impressed into
18 Points
20 Points
Student did not
Designs are
Student creates patterns
impress designs impressed some impressed neatly within the side shapes.
designs into vase,
Student has taken the
into vases.
into vase.
but only a few; or
assignment a creative
student also
further step and has
created more intricate
designs in pottery by
designs into vase.
impressing objects.
10 Points
15 Points
15 Points
18 Points
20 Points
Student made a
Vases are not
Vases are neat;
Vases are very neatly
sloppy attempt to extremely well- designs are neat. formed and craftsmanship
create 2 vases. formed, but it is
is excellent.
obvious that
craftsmanship is
student has
labored over
Web Demos