Carmen Quiz 2 Stocks Solution

Carmen Quiz 2 Stocks Solution
Stock Info
You have created a spreadsheet that tracks basic information on the stocks you have purchased. Below is a description of the
worksheets in the workbook:
Stock Info: Contains basic information about each stock, such as the purchase price, current price and current value.
Analysis: Contains some basic analysis you would like to perform on your stocks.
Write an Excel formula in cell 'Stock Info'!H2, which can be copied down to cell 'Stock Info'!H7, to determine (T/F) if a profit
was made on ATT stock. (Choose the best answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
Write an Excel formula in cell Anaylsis!F1 to determine (T/F) if you made a profit on all the stocks listed. (Choose the best
answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=AND('Stock Info'!H2:H7)
Write an Excel formula in cell Anaylsis!F2 to determine (T/F) if you lost more than $1,000 on any stock. (Choose the best
answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=OR('Stock Info'!G2-'Stock Info'!F2<-1000,'Stock Info'!G3-'Stock Info'!F3<-1000,'Stock Info'!G4-'Stock Info'!F4<-1000,'Stock
Info'!G5-'Stock Info'!F5<-1000,'Stock Info'!G6-'Stock Info'!F6<-1000,'Stock Info'!G7-'Stock Info'!F7<-1000)
Write an Excel formula in cell Analysis!F3 to determine (T/F) if you did not make a profit on any drug company stocks (Merck,
Pfizer). (Choose the best answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=AND(NOT('Stock Info'!H4),NOT('Stock Info'!H5))
Write an Excel formula in cell Analysis!F4 (T/F) to determine if you only made a profit on ATT. (Choose the best answer and
assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=AND('Stock Info'!H2, NOT(OR('Stock Info'!H3:H7)))
Stock Info
Write an Excel formula in cell 'Stock Info'!H2, which can be copied down to cell 'Stock Info'!H7, to determine if a profit was
made on ATT stock. If a profit was made, display "Profit", otherwise display, "No Profit". (Choose the best answer and
assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=IF(G2>F2,"Profit","No Profit")
Write an Excel formula in cell Anaylsis!F2 to determine if you lost more than $1,000 on any stock. If you did display, "Yes, I
did" otherwise, display "No, I did not". (Choose the best answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=IF(OR('Stock Info'!G2-'Stock Info'!F2<-1000,'Stock Info'!G3-'Stock Info'!F3<-1000,'Stock Info'!G4-'Stock Info'!F4<1000,'Stock Info'!G5-'Stock Info'!F5<-1000),"Yes, I did","No I did not")
Write an Excel formula in cell Anaylsis!F1 to determine if you made a profit on all the stocks listed. If you made a profit,
display, "Yes, I did" otherwise, display "No, I did not". (Choose the best answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
=IF(AND('Stock Info'!H2="Profit",'Stock Info'!H3="Profit",'Stock Info'!H4="Profit",'Stock Info'!H5="Profit"),"Yes, I did","No,
I did not")
Write a formula in cell 'Analysis'!F6 to determine how much of your portfolio you should sell. The formula should return a
dollar value based on the following criteria: (Choose the best answer and assume all other cells have been filled in.)
If the value of stocks that did not make a profit is less than $15,000 then you will sell all stocks that did not make a profit.
If the value of stocks that did not make a profit is at least $15,000 but less than $20,000 you will sell half the value of the
stocks that did not make a profit (ex: if the value that did not make a profit is $16,000 you will sell $8000 worth).
If the value of stocks that did not make a profit is at least $20,000 you will sell 25% of the value of the stocks that did not
make a profit.
=IF(SUMIF(H2:H5,"No Profit",G2:G5)>15000,SUMIF(H2:H5,"No Profit",G2:G5),IF(SUMIF(H2:H5,"No
Profit",G2:G5)>20000,SUMIF(H2:H5,"No Profit",G2:G5)/2,SUMIF(H2:H5,"No Profit",G2:G5)*0.25))