New Landmark Poll Shows Allen Leading Barrow in 12th

Landmark Communications, Inc.
11300 Atlantis Place, Suite F
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Newly Released Landmark Poll: Rick Allen Takes Slim
Lead Over Barrow in Race for Congress
Georgia’s 12th Congressional District: Allen (R) 48.1%, Barrow (D) 44.5%
(Atlanta)—A poll of Georgia’s 12th Congressional District released Friday by
Landmark Communications, Inc. reports that Republican challenger Rick Allen has
taken a slight lead in his campaign against Democratic Congressman John Barrow.
Going into the final weekend of campaigning Allen holds a small lead with 48% of
voters responding that they will vote for the him while 44% of voters say they will
vote for Democratic Congressman John Barrow. 7.5% of voters are undecided.
The independent poll of 500 self-described likely voters was conducted October
30th. Only voters who responded that they are “somewhat likely” or “definitely
likely” to vote, and who completed all questions in the survey, were included in the
results, a method that is standard in the polling industry.
“This is a very close race that either candidate could still
win. No one has earned over 50% of the vote as of yet.
It is not a projection of who will win, only who’s ahead as
of Thursday night.
“When reviewing the internal numbers of the poll, it does
reveal that those voters who call themselves ‘undecided’
are more likely to be Democratic in voting behavior than
not, so Barrow may carry more of these voters if they
vote. Rick W. Allen simply has less ground to cover than
Barrow in order to get to 50%+1.”
Cross tabs for the poll can be found here:
Landmark Communications, Inc. conducted a district wide poll on Oct 30, 2014 of 500 randomly
selected Likely Voters in the November General Election. Only voters who fully completed the survey
were tabulated in the results. The results reflect only respondents who stated that they intend to
vote in the 2014 General Election. The poll was conducted by telephone using IVR technology. The
margin of error of the survey is 4.38%. To be consistent with previous and projected voter turnout,
results are weighted based on race, age and gender. Landmark Communications solely conducted
and funded the project with no input
Landmark Communications, Inc. is a political firm based in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. The firm has more
than two decades of polling experience and regularly conducts and releases public opinion surveys
regarding Georgia politics. The firm’s president is Mark Rountree.