Breakfast of Champions Criteria 2013-2014

Breakfast of Champions Criteria 2013-2014
Based on feedback from parents and staff members this year and last year, the awards and
criteria for the Breakfast of Champions have been revised to represent the pinnacle of
achievement reached by our students. A committee was formed, and its proposal was discussed
and amended with input from the School Improvement Team (which includes parents, students
and staff) and the Leadership Team before the categories and criteria were approved.
Students invited to the Breakfast of Champions are being recognized for achievements fitting
the following criteria:
 Individual students or teams who won at the highest level of their activity, sport, or event
and who have not been/will not be publically recognized in a ceremony or awards
 Scholastic and Service achievements at the highest level determined using objective,
data-based criteria
 School Record holders in Athletics
 Students nominated and described by staff members for the Five-Star SCILs Award
(Scholarship, Citizenship, Integrity, and Leadership) because they exhibit all of the
following traits from our school’s mission statement as described below:
Scholarship denotes one’s insistence on not only knowing and applying what is learned, but to consistently utilize
knowledge insightfully, think critically, communicate effectively, and contribute positively to their learning
Citizenship involves one’s determination to selflessly and positively contribute to every sphere he or she touches -home, school, community, state, and county -- by exhibiting the qualities of civility, honesty, and responsibility. In
this way, one purports himself or herself as a respectable member of the world community.
Integrity represents the choice one makes to behave and live with a commitment to honor and honesty. A person
with integrity does what is right because they live by a code of principles that uphold moral, ethical, spiritual and
artistic values.
Leadership describes one’s ability to encourage, promote, motivate and inspire others to do what it takes to make
an effort a success. It is more than being elected, appointed, or assigned to lead; it is exercising the strength and
courage it takes to guide others to perform at levels that exemplify excellence.
Input from stakeholders also led to the removal of:
 Awards that were traditionally acknowledged again during the Senior Awards Ceremony
in May.
 Elected student officer recognition and participation only-based recognition.
 Content awards for which concrete, objective criteria had not been developed.
Breakfast of Champions Criteria 2013-2014
Awards being recognized this year
National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists
AP Scholars with Distinction
Accepted to Military Service Academies
Winners of Awards at Model UNs and Congresses
A-Track Grade 9 Straight A Award (currently Straight A’s for First
Semester of 2013-14 but slated to become Straight As for High School
Career by 2016-17)
6. A-Track Straight A Award (currently Straight A’s for High School the
past two years for grades 10-12, but slated to become Straight As for
High School Career by 2016-17)
7. Highest Weighted GPA (Grades 9-11)
8. SAT Club 2200 (SAT Scores)
9. ACT Club 31 Plus (ACT Scores)
10. Five-Star General SCILs (Scholarship, Citizenship, Integrity and
Leadership) Awards
11. 2014 Maryland General Assembly Page Program
12. It’s Academic Awards
13. Boys JV Soccer – County Champions
14. Badminton Team – County Champions
15. Boys V Soccer – County Sportsmanship Award
16. Winter Cheerleading Team – County Spirit Award
17. Signed and Committed to Colleges for Excellence in Sports
18. Athletic School Record Holders and Individual Athletic Awards
19. First Team All-County/All State Athletes
20. Boys Cross Country North Regional Team Champions 2013
21. Girls Cross Country North Regional Team Champions 2013
22. Maryland All-State Music Ensemble
23. BSO Side By Side Musicians
24. Scholastic Art and Writing Award Winners
25. Highest Award, for Writing, NCTE
26. Towson University High School Writing Contest Winners
27. Perfect Attendance (No lateness, No Early Dismissals) Grade 9
(currently for First Semester of 2013-14)
28. Perfect Attendance (No lateness, No Early Dismissals) Grades 10-12
currently for the past two years)
29. Most Service Learning Hours in each grade