Link to CV - University of Delaware

Leta P. Aljadir
Associate Professor (Emeritus)
Behavioral Health & Nutrition
Research Interests
Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Advanced graduate work: Animal Nutrition and Food Science, University of DE, Newark, DE,
Advanced graduate work: Nutrition Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1969-70
Dietetic Internship, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, 1966
M.S., Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 1965
B.S., University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines, 1962
Professional Experience
1980-present Associate Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Delaware
1974-1980 Assistant Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Delaware
1971-1974 Instructor and Research Associate, Dept of Nutrition and Food, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA
1970-1971 Therapeutic Dietitian, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
1970 (Jan-Apr) Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley, CA
1967-1969 Instructor, Dept. of Nutrition and Food, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
1966-1968 Nutrition Instructor, Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA
Professional Memberships
Member, American Dietetic Association (Registered Dietitian) 1966-present
President, Philadelphia Dietetic Association (PDA) 1974-1975
President-elect and Program Chairperson, PDA 1973-1974
Founding member, Delaware Valley Chapter Society for 1975-1976
Nutrition Education (DVCSNE) - one of 5 founders
Member, Delaware Dietetic Association (DDA) 1974-present
President, DDA 1979-1980
President-elect, DDA 1978-1979
Member, Sigma Xi Science Society 1986-1996
Member, Institute of Food Technologists 1991-1996
Chair-elect, Council on Practice, DDA 1994-1995
Chair, Council on Practice, DDA 1995-1997
Member, Delaware Folic Acid Coalition Board 1999-present
Member, Delaware-Panama Partners of the Americas (DPPA) 1999-present
Member, Executive Board, DPPA 2002-present
Funded Research/Scholarly Projects
1. University of Delaware Grant-in-Aid ($346.00) Spring 1976. Co-investigator with Wendy Biggs,
UD Student Health Services, and Lindsay Harvey, Graduate student: A study of the behavioral
approach to the management of obesity in college students (“Think Thin” project).
2. College of Human Resources Dean’s UNIDEL Grant ($603.00) Fall 1978: Sensory evaluation of
recipes utilizing chemically-defined formulas.
3. University of Delaware Grant-in-Aid ($1,000.00) 1979-80: Co-investigator with Wendy Biggs, UD
Student Health Services: A survey of vended food consumption at the University of Delaware.
4. University of Delaware American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant - DIMER Research
Support ($3,500.00) 1979-80. Co-investigator with Louise Little, Associate Prof FSHN, UD: Pilot
study for community nutrition program for cancer rehabilitation.
5. Ross Laboratories ($2,500.00) 1979-81. Co-investigator with Louise Little, Associate Prof FSHN,
UD: Pilot study for community nutrition program for cancer rehabilitation.
6. Nutrition Education Training Grant, Department of Public Instruction, State of Delaware ($16,000)
1979-80. Co-investigator with Louise Little, Associate Prof, FSHN, UD: Novel ideas for nutrition
7. Delaware Department of Public Instruction ($9,636) 1980-81. Co-investigator with Mary Lou
Liprie, Associate Prof, IFST, UD: Current and controversial topics in nutrition: Nutrition in-service
for middle and junior high school teachers and curriculum supervisors in Delaware.
8. Delaware Office of Economic Opportunity, Community Food and Nutrition Program ($9,880) JanSep 1981. Nutrition education and cooking demonstrations for low-income male senior citizens.
9. Delaware Department of Public Instruction ((10,043) Feb-Sep 1981. Co-investigator with Mary
Lou Liprie, Associate Prof, IFST, UD: Update on nutrition education: continuing education course
for high school teachers in Delaware.
10. University of Delaware Office of Computer-Based Instruction ($12,773) Jan 1984-Aug 1984:
Development of computer-based PLATO R lessons on weight control and diabetes mellitus.
11. University of Delaware Office of Computer-Based Instruction ($31,046) Sep 1984-Aug 1988.
Computer-based PLATO R lessons on human metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
12. Sea Grant Project ($3,160) Sep 1984-Jan 1985. Metabolic effects of chitin.
13. UD College of Human Resources Multidisciplinary Research Grant ($3,000.00) 1996-2000. Coinvestigator with Mary Lou Liprie, Associate Prof, IFST, UD: Feasibility study to determine if there
is a metabolic basis for the lack of appetite in early and middle adolescents upon arising in the
14. University of Delaware DIMER Grant ($1,600) 1999. Co-investigator with Mary Lou Liprie,
Associate Prof, IFST, UD: Breakfast eating habits of adolescents.
15. College of Health and Nursing Sciences Center for Academic Practice Grant-in-Aid ($5,000)20012003. Co-investigator with Marie Kuczmarski, Professor, NTDT, UD, and Connie Vickery,
Professor, NTDT, UD: Got 5? Nutrition for Kids Program.
16. University of Delaware General University Research (GUR) grant ($6,000) 2002. Co-investigator
with Judy Herrman, Clinical Instructor and Assistant Chair, NURS, UD: Facilitating positive
diabetes-related behaviors: Kamp for Kids.
17. Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation ($35,000 [$5,000.00/year]) 1999-2005. Coinvestigator with Bethany Hall-Long, Professor, NURS, UD, and Judy Herrman, Assistant
Professor, NURS, UD: Education and research initiatives for Kamp for Kids - day camp for
children with diabetes mellitus and their siblings/friends.
18. Wilmington Flower Market ($1,500.00) 2003; ($2,000.00) 2004; ($1,500.00) 2005. Co-investigator
with Judy Herrman, Assistant Professor, NURS, UD: Education initiatives for Kamp for Kids - day
camp for children with diabetes mellitus and their siblings/friends.
19. University of Delaware Center for International Studies ($4,000.00) 2003-2004. Co-investigator
with Evelyn Hayes, Professor, NURS, UD: To bring internationally recognized pediatric
epidemiologist from Norway to address maternal-child health care issues.
20. University of Delaware Center for International Studies ($5,000.00) 2004. Co-investigator with
Evelyn Hayes, Professor, NURS, UD: Discovery Abroad Research Exploration to take five
undergraduate students to Norway for introduction to research on maternal and child health.
21. University of Delaware Center for International Studies ($6,000.00) 2004. Co-investigator with
Evelyn Hayes, Professor, NURS, UD: International Research Award for work with colleagues at
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim on maternal and child health
22. University of Delaware Early Learning Center ($5,000.00) 2004-2005. Co-investigator with Mary
Lou Liprie, Professor Emerita, IFST, UD: Eat Well and Exercise for Good Health: An After-School
Program (development of nutrition – physical activity modules for young children in after school
23. Delaware Health Fund - American Lung Association of Delaware ($2,500.00) 2004-2005. Coinvestigator with Evelyn Hayes, Professor, NURS, UD, and Lisa Plowfield, Professor and Chair,
NURS, UD: Smoking Cessation Program using the Buddy System for College Students.
24. Delaware Health Fund – American Lung Association of Delaware ($8.300.00) 2005-2006. Coinvestigator with Evelyn Hayes, Professor, NURS, UD, and Lisa Plowfield, Professor and
Director, NURS, UD: Smoking Cessation Program using the Buddy System among 18-24 year
Recent Publications
1. Aljadir LP, Steven EV. 1996. Computer-assisted tutorials in nutritional biochemistry for dietetics.
DEP-LINE 14(3):5-6.
2. Aljadir LP, Hotchkiss L, Stevens EV. 1997. Determinants of preterm birth: Analysis of the 1988
National Maternal and Infant Health Survey data. Proceedings of BORN TOO SOON conference.
Oakland County Health Deaprtment, CA (peer-reviewed).
3. Plesko M, Cotugna N, Aljadir L. 2000. Validation of a 7-item fruit and vegetable food frequency
questionnaire in a college population. Amer J Health Behav. 24:201-2008.
4. Kuczmarski M, Aljadir L. 2003. Using food calendars to self-monitor fruit and vegetable intake:
Got5? Nutrition for Kids program. J Nutr Educ Behav 35:269.
Peer Reviewed Abstracts/Presentations
1. Aljadir LP, Liprie ML. High rate of binge-eating among young adolescents. American Dietetic
Association annual meeting, Atlanta, GA Oct 1999 (poster presentation).
2. Liprie ML, Aljadir LP. Early adolescents’ perceived barriers to healthful lifestyles. Association for
Career and Technical Education annual meeting, Orlando, FL Dec 1999 (poster presentation).
3. Herrman JW, Aljadir LP. Evaluation study of Diabetes and You: Kamp for Kids. Delaware Nurses
Association, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society research conference, Wilmington, DE Mar 2000
(poster presentation).
4. Herrman JW, Aljadir LP. Experiential learning: College students and the Kamp for Kids. 4th
Regional Lilly Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Towson, MD Apr 2000 (co-
presented slide presentation).
5. Kuczmarski M, Aljadir L, Vickery C. Got 5? Nutrition for Kids: A novel school-based program to
enhance vegetable and fruit intake. American Dietetic Association annual meeting, Oct 2001
(poster presentation).
6. Aljadir L, DeBarboni T. Five-day workshop on folic acid and neural tube defects for school
teachers and health professionals. Panama City, Panama. Jan 2002 (funded by DelawarePanama Partners of the Americas, with materials support from DE March of Dimes).
7. Aljadir, DeBarboni T. One-day workshop on folic acid and neural tube defects for school teachers
and health professionals. David City, Panama. Jan 2002 (funded by Delaware-Panama Partners
of the Americas, with materials support from DE March of Dimes).
8. Herrman J, Aljadir LP. Facilitating positive diabetes-related behavior: Kamp for Kids. Delaware
Nurses Association research conference, Wilmington, DE Mar 2003 (poster presentation).
9. Aljadir LP, Kuczmarski M. Using food calendars to enhance fruit and vegetable intake. Society for
Nutrition Education annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA Jul 2003 (poster presentation).
10. Hayes ER, Plowfield L, Aljadir LP, Hanssen B. Teens’ and young adults’ tobacco use and
cessation: A comparative international study. Eastern Nursing Research Society, Boston, MA Apr
2004 (poster presentation).
11. Hayes ER, Plowfield L, Aljadir LP, Hanssen B. Tobacco use by teens and young adults: An
international comparative study. Sigma Theta Tau International, Alpha Nu Chapter (Nursing
Honor Society) Research Symposium, St. Davids, PA Apr 2004 (poster presentation).
12. Aljadir LP, Liprie, ML. Food for the Heart and Soul (Heart Healthy Cooking
Demonstration/Workshop). Invited workshop. Delaware Health and Social Services Women’s
Wellness Expo, Dover, DE Oct 2004.
13. Aljadir LP, Hayes ER. Discovery Abroad Research Expedition (DARE) at the University of
Delaware. Podium/slide presentation. Lilly East Conference on College and University Teaching,
Towson, MD Apr 2005.
14. Hayes ER, Aljadir LP. Research study abroad: What can be accomplished in eight days?
Podium/slide presentation. Lilly East Conference on College and University Teaching, Towson,
MD Apr 2005.