The Doctoral Candidate
will attend regularly and actively participate at the following courses and events of GRADE BioMed FIRST
and/or the Research Training Group / Collaborative Research Centre
(please tick as recommended and/or add courses of the specific programme):
Catch-up courses
Current Highlights in Molecular Medicine (1 semester) and Current Highlights in Chemical Biology &
Medicinal Chemistry (1 semester) recommended for pharmacists and medical scientists
Basics in Medicine & Pharmacology (1 semester) recommended for natural scientists other than
pharmacists and medics
FIRST Core Curriculum on Drug Research, Development and Safety
Attendancy is essential. Minimum requirement: successful attendance at least 10 modules out of 12.
(Costs of 300€ will be covered as stated below.)
Specific courses of the PhD programme
Mandatory attendance at the following events:
BioMed FIRST-seminars
Current Highlights lecture series on the Riedberg (see above)
Georg-Speyer-Haus seminars
pharmazentrum frankfurt seminars
Presentation of the PhD project at regular intervals (twice a year)
The presentation can be done at the Summer Schools or Winter Schools or at seminar series of the
PhD programmes (SFB, FOG etc.), institute seminars etc.
At least 2 elective scientific courses
From Target to Drug – TNFalpha
Clinical and Molecular Immunology
Tumour Biology
Molecular Virology
Pain Research – from animals to humans
Regenerative Medicine – from bench to bedside
(Updated list on the BioMed FIRST homepage; changes due to number of participants or constellation of interests
of the PhD students can occur.)
Scientific Writing
Scientific Presentation
Project Management
The Doctoral Candidate should register at the BioMed FIRST coordinator via email or at the attendant of the PhD
programme. The courses and events of BioMed FIRST should be spread reasonably throughout the 3 years of the PhD
project. Costs will be covered by the PhD programme (GRK, SFB, FOG etc.) or by the primary supervisor of the PhD
student, unless otherwise noted.
Date and signature:
Doctoral Candidate
Primary Supervisor
Please Return to: GRADE, Campus Riedberg, Riedbergplatz 1, SOLITÄR, 4th floor,
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Fax: +49 (0)69/798-49407