2011 Report
Specialty Group Information
The Geography of the Bible was the foundation of geographic education in the United States and
Canada, from the founding of the first institution of higher learning until the end of the eighteenth
century. This specialty group is not a religious assemblage. Rather, it is a group of professional
geographers who use the Bible as a source of geographic information and who study the geography
of Ancient Israel. Those who are members of this AAG specialty group contend that geography
impacted all aspects of life in Ancient Israel and is considered an invaluable way to study all
aspects of the Bible.
Chairperson: William A. Dando, 160A, Center for Remote Sensing
and GIS, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809.
Phone: (812) 237-2264 E-mail:
Vice Chairperson: Ronald R. Boyce, Bakke Graduate University, 1013 8th Avenue,
Seattle, WA 98104. Phone: (206) 542-2326 E-mail:
Treasurer: Samuel Hagadorn, U.S. Army (in Iraq), 5726 Cabinwood Court, Indian
Head, MD 20640. E-mail: hagadorn@ u.s.
Secretary: Eva Wajntraub, Israeli Map Collectors’ Society, 4 Brenner Street,
Jerusalem, Israel, IL 92103. Phone: 561-1687 E-mail:
Founding Chairperson: Dr. Jonathan Lu, Holy Light Theological Seminary, 2 Henan 2nd Rd,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China 80050. E-mail:
A Brief History of the Specialty Group
The Geography of the Bible Specialty Group has sponsored forty-eight paper sessions and
fourteen panel sessions in the past thirty-five annual meetings of the Association of American
Geographers (beginning at the New Orleans, LA meeting). All-day paper sessions were
organized at three annual meetings, two paper sessions at twelve annual meetings and three at two
of the annual meetings. Workshops were conducted, including: “Tools of the Trade” (1985) and
“Making of a Biblical Atlas I” (1989). Recognition awards have been presented to Jonathan Lu,
Bruce Crew, and Richard Cleave in the past. There were no awards presented in 2011.
The Association of American Geographers issued a quarterly financial report on April 30, 2011,
stating a balance of $3,011.27.
2011 Accomplishments
1. The Bible Geography Specialty Group organized a paper session, “Controversies, New
Insights, and Teaching Suggestions for a Better Understanding of Ancient Israel, 1850
BCE to 70 CE,” a panel, “The Purpose of Cities from the Perspectives of the First
Precept—Toward a New Theology of Cities,” and conducted the BGSG Business
Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in Seattle, Washington, April 15, 2011.
2. An “Annual Report” and a “Call for Papers” were sent to all members in 2011;
e-mails and telephone calls were made to over 90 members and past members
prior to the Seattle, Washington meeting in 2011.
3. Our book, The Geography of the Holy Land: Perspectives, continues to receive
great reviews. Approximately 985 copies have been distributed to members at
the AAG annual meetings or by mail. Estimated cost to develop and produce the
book was $35,000.
4. Membership and interest in the Bible Geography Specialty Group continues to slowly
grow. Student graduations and their non-renewal of AAG membership reduce our
numbers every spring and new student members join the BGSG every fall and spring.
5. Founding President Jonathan Lu contributed $3000 to BGSG for student awards and
other specialty group needs. The Amy Mather Student Award will be doubled in
6. A Bible Geography Student Paper Session for the Annual Meeting in New York City
on February 24-28, 2012 will be organized by Sam Whitehead (Texas Tech) and Julie
Brown (U. S. Dept. of the Army). Each student who presents a paper in a BGSG
session will receive $100 to cover some of the costs involved in attending the meeting.
7. Funds to publish a second volume of Geography of the Holy Land, pledged two years
ago, have been reconfirmed (the book will be based on papers presented at AAG annual
meetings). Those who wish to publish in the second volume and have presented in a
BGSG session or panel, please contact William A. Dando as soon as possible. Dr.
Dando is in the process of designing this second volume.
Specialty Group News
After publication of the book, Geography of the Holy Land: Perspectives, and its
distribution to AAG and NCGE members, newspaper editors, book and atlas publishers, private
foundations, and libraries, more professional opportunities for BGSG members have developed.
They include: (1) request that a second edition of the book be printed; (2) endowment of a program
in the Geography of the Bible at the University of Northern Iowa; (3) establishment of
scholarship(s) in geography of the Bible; (4) development in Israel of a new Comprehensive
Historical Atlas of Jerusalem; (5) employment opportunities to teach geography of the Bible and
the Bible as literature in private colleges and public institutions; (6) invitation from the National
Council for Geographic Education to present all-day content sessions at their annual meetings; (7)
opportunity to review grant and contract proposals; (8) prompt more AAG members to present in
BGSG sessions and attend BGSG sessions; and (9) stimulate the teaching of geography of the
Holy Land and Ancient Israel in Sunday School adult classes. The impact of publishing a
specialty group book has had positive national and international impacts and numerous
geography-enhancing professional ramifications.
VII. Call for Papers: “2012 Annual Meeting of the AAG” in New York City, New York,
February 24—28, 2012*
A. Potential Session Themes:
Wikis and ?: Innovative Methods to Teach Geography of the Bible
Application of GIS as a Tool to Study Narrative Landscapes
Food Systems: An Introduction to Agro-ecosystem Sustainability
Urban Fortifications and Rural Defense Complexes in Ancient Israel
Early Jewish Diaspora: From Jacob’s Family to the Destruction of Jerusalem
Cultural Antagonisms in a Conquered Land: Joshua to Herod
Jerusalem in the Time of Herod: A Study in Urban Planning and Urban
Application of Remote Sensing to Biblical Geography Research and Understanding
Faith-based Decision Making
A General Session (a mix of papers reflecting BGSG membership interests)
A Joint Session with another Specialty Group?
A Workshop on a Specific Topic?
Contact William A. Dando at Indiana State University if you have interest in presenting or
organizing a session at the New York City, New York AAG Annual Meeting.