Marionville High School 2002-2003

Blue Springs South High School 2015-2016
Plan Time: 2nd hour (8.20-9.10)
Work Phone: 224.1315 (ext. 50656)
Room: 317
Course Description / Objectives:
Advanced Placement Literature and Composition provides an in-depth study of major works in
literature, concentrating on the skills of analysis and evaluation of literary texts. Through the close
reading of selected texts, students will deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to
provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students should consider a work’s
structure, style, and themes, as well as elements like figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
This course will prepare student for the AP English Literature & Composition exam in May and for
advanced studies in college. Students will also study vocabulary and grammar/punctuation throughout
the year. All students are expected to take the AP exam and pay the examination fee. The objectives for
this course are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for English Language and Literacy; the
major standards are listed below. This course counts for one of the four required of English.
MY GOAL for each of you is that you find enjoyment in reading, find your voice in writing, and improve as an
English student and as an individual. Additionally, I will help you develop the skills and confidence needed to
score a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP exam in the spring.
Possible Units of Study:
Students are encouraged to purchase their own copies of the anchor texts*, which may include the
The Things They Carried (O’Brien)
The Kite Runner OR A Thousand Splendid Suns (Hosseini)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Pride and Prejudice (Austen)
Things Fall Apart (Achebe)
The Awakening (Chopin)
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
Fences (Wilson)
Trifles (Glaspell)
Poetry from various authors
Non-fiction selections from various authors
*Students who have a concern about reading a particular text can select an alternative text of equal literary merit to read in
the assigned text’s place. The student, his/her parents, and the teacher need to agree on the chosen alternative.
Students will compose both timed and process papers that analyze prose, poetry, and drama.
Informal Writing Assignments: Students will receive anecdotal feedback, spoken and written,
responding to their ideas, organization, and development with specifics and details.
Formal Writing Assignments will be evaluated:
 on their following of a process that involves prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.
 for both deep structure traits (ideas, organization, voice) and surface structure traits (diction,
syntax, and conventions), but the emphasis will be on ideas and organization (strong, welldeveloped analysis that shows insight); a balance between generalizations and relevant specifics;
awareness of audience and project a voice and tone suited to that audience; and achieving the
writer’s purpose.
Tests and Quizzes: Students will be tested on their reading of the novels, plays, poetry, and some of the
shorter writings. The tests will focus on the students’ understanding of the techniques and devices the
writers use to engage the reader’s interest, to develop theme(s), to organize the text effectively, to
project voice and tone, and to achieve their purpose. Students will also test over vocabulary/grammar.
 The grades on formal writing assignments will be the largest contributors to the overall semester
grade each semester; tests and quizzes will count less; informal writings will count the least.
 Students will earn grades on daily assignments, vocabulary, and grammar/punctuation, as well.
 The grading scale used will be the one required by the school district:
90-100% = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; 0-59% = F
AP English Literature & Composition Exam ($91; May 2016):
Multiple choice: 60 minutes, 50-55 questions—45% of total score
Essays: 120 minutes, three essays: prose analysis, poetry analysis, free-response (text.based literary
analysis)—55% of total score
Required Materials:
A folder/notebook for AP English Literature and Composition handouts
Sticky notes and/or flags (Post.its)
Flash drive recommended
Students will also have the opportunity to use Quizlet and Edmodo websites to enhance their
learning and to improve communication between teacher and student. More information will
Attendance/Make-Up Policy
All assignments are to be completed and turned in on time. Work turned in late (later that class period
or the following day) will be worth only half the points; essays will lose 10% each day late. All work
turned in after the due date, for whatever reason, must have a pink late sheet on it. Make-up work is
your responsibility and will be handled in the following manner:
1. You have one day to make up work for each day missed; otherwise, you will earn late credit.
2. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up the following day before or after school unless
otherwise arranged with me.
The Absolutes:
1. BE PREPARED. You have five minutes to gather all of your materials and be on time. After four
tardies, your parents will be notified; five tardies results in an office referral.
2. BE RESPECTFUL in your attitude and behavior towards your classmates and me.
3. NO CELL PHONES OR iPODS during direct instructional time.
Academic Integrity / Avoiding Plagiarism: (from student handbook) “Students should commit
themselves to act honestly, responsibly, and above all with honor and integrity in all areas of their
academic life. Students are accountable for everything they say and write. Students are responsible for
the integrity of their work. Students should not give or receive unauthorized aid. Academic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, bringing answers into a testing area, copying homework or assessments
from another student, providing answers for another student, or using unauthorized notes or
technology.” In addition, students who do not credit external sources on essays are committing
plagiarism. Academic dishonesty will result in zero credit and office referral.
I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Sheridan’s AP English Literature and
Composition class and have shared them with my parents.
If a parent would like to receive email updates about AP Lit. & Comp., please print an email address
I am looking forward to a great and successful year!
Thank you,
Cathy Sheridan
Student’s signature: __________________________
Parent’s signature: ___________________________E-mail address:______________________________