Arlington County CoC Meeting with Executive Committee Members

Arlington County CoC
Meeting with Executive Committee Members and HUD Funded Grantees
September 29, 2015
Present: Dave Leibson (CoC Co-Chair), Kathy Sibert (ASPAN), Leonard Chari (ASPAN), Susan Keenan (New
Hope Housing), Priscilla Hess (New Hope Housing), Sara Thompson (Arlington County Government/DHS),
Caroline Jones (Doorways), Lorraine Nwaoko (Volunteers of America, Chesapeake), Cynthia Stevens
(Arlington County Government/DHS), Gerry Shannon (Arlington Thrive), Michael O’Rourke (Bridges to
Independence), Sam Kelly (Bridges to Independence), Diana Ortiz (Doorways), Heather Venner (Arlington
County Government/DHS), Akeria Brown (Arlington County/DHS), Larry Padberg (Citizen),
By Phone:
Mellissa Bondi (CoC Co-Chair), Debra Byrwa (Citizen), Lauren Pareti (Consultant)
Meeting Called to Order: 1:35pm
The meeting scheduled today of the Executive Committee and the partnering organizations (that have
HUD funded projects) was to discuss the key decision issues related to the submission of the 2015 HUD
NOFA application. Lauren Pareti participated by phone. The discussion topics are listed below.
Apply for CoC Planning Funds
Issue/Concern: The Arlington County CoC can apply for approximately $57K in HUD funds that can
provide assistance with CoC planning. It was indicated that the $57K in funds does not come out of any
of the renewal grants. It would be additional funding provided to the CoC. Lauren Pareti and Tony
Turnage provided the committee with information and a handout that outline the specific eligible
activities. Various members asked clarifying questions.
Special Notes: The Executive Committee members will need to make a motion to change the name of the
Collaborative Applicant (CA). It is currently listed as the Arlington County Consortium (ACC) which is not
a legal entity. A legal entity must be listed and currently serves in the role of CoC Lead. Arlington County
Government/Homeless Programs currently serves as the lead and this changed needs to be motioned and
voted upon.
A motion was put forth by Larry Padberg that the Collaborative Applicant (CA) be changed from Arlington
County CoC to Arlington County Government, so the CoC can apply for CoC Planning Funds.
Motion was 2nd by Dave Leibson. Mr. Leibson called for a vote and the vote carried unanimously by all
voting members.
Bonus Project
Issue/Concern/Actions: The CoC will release the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the bonus project that
the CoC can apply for according to the HUD guidance. Homeless Programs will release the project
information and instructions via email. Priorities Committee will establish a review date and make
determination on the applications. The date will be determine after conference with Lauren.
Special Notes: The bonus project does have limits to supportive services or leasing. No special criteria
other than the CoC can apply for Rapid Re-Housing or Permanent Supportive Housing Projects. Projects
must be up and running within 12 months. In the past it was 6 months. Projects must leverage
mainstream benefits. The project can serve homeless youth for transitional housing or rapid re-housing.
Youth must come from the streets or from emergency shelter.
A motion was put forth by Dave Leibson, 2nd by Michael O’Rourke. Motion: That the Arlington County CoC
apply for a bonus housing project as part of the 2015 HUD application. The Priorities Committee will make
final decisions. Homeless Programs will release the Bonus Application Information with instructions and
due dates.
Vote carried unanimously by all voting members.
Grant Prioritization
Issue/Concern/Actions: Ranking considerations for Tier I and Tier II should be delayed until Lauren
(Housing Innovations) can provide some ranking scenarios. These scenarios will then be discussed and
finalized by the Priorities Committee. Scenarios will be circulated on Friday.
Special Notes: Priorities Committee will be meeting Monday October 5, 2015 at 9am-1oam to discuss the
recommended ranking. This recommendation will then be voted on by the CoC. A questions was raised
re: the merged projects from ASPAN. Lauren provided the following recommendation - For the merged
projects from ASPAN, the project scored were average amongst the three programs to devise a final
project ranking score.
Motion: N/A
Chronically Homeless
Issue/Concern/Actions: HUD wants CoC to prioritize chronically homeless households for permanent
housing options (i.e. PSH). By prioritizing CH HHs, the CoC would be agreeing to house HHs that have
been homeless the longest first and HHs will the great service needs.
Special Notes: For the 2015 Application there are points (3 points) associated with the application for
CoCs that have adopted this priority.
A motion was put forth by Dave Leibson that the Arlington County CoC amend our current policy to include
the Chronically Homeless Prioritization for permanent housing programs within the CoC (when plausible).
Motion was posed by Dave Leibson and 2nd by Michael O’Rourke. Mr. Leibson called for a vote and the
vote carried unanimously by all voting members.
Housing First
Issue/Concern/Actions: Up to 6 points will be awarded to CoCs that demonstrate at least 75% of the
permanent housing (permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing) applications submitted are using a
housing first model and that at least 75% of other projects are supporting Housing First Low Barrier Model
by providing low-barrier services. Maximum points will be awarded to CoCs where both the CoC
Application and project application(s) clearly demonstrate that at least 75% of projects commit to use the
Housing First model.
Special Notes: N/A
A motion was put forth by Michael O’Rourke, 2nd by Larry Padberg. Motion: The Arlington County CoC’s
written standards are amended to required that all funded PSH and RRH programs unless otherwise
prohibited by project funding sources, use a low barrier Housing First model (i.e. does not have service
participation requirements or preconditions to entry, such as sobriety or a minimum income threshold,
and prioritizes placement and stabilization in permanent housing).
Vote carried unanimously by all voting members.
Discussion Items for the Executive Committee on October 5, 2015
Prioritization of VETS (for veterans that do not qualify for VA benefits & services)
Prioritization of Families Households with the greatest service needs
Adoption of the Open Doors time lines to end homelessness
Appoint a designee on behalf of the CoC to review, finalize, and submit the CoC Application
All projects will leverage 150% of grant amount.