8. Friday 19th June 2015

Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School
“Sowing the seeds for the future”
Stand Park Avenue, Netherton, Merseyside, L30 3SA
0151 525 6358/0395
Website: www.ourladyofwalsinghamprimary.co.uk
Mrs B M Shiels [B Ed Hons, NPQH]
Friday 19th June 2015
Dear Parents,
Congratulations to all of our children who took part in our very first "whole school" sports day
yesterday and many thanks to those of you who were able to attend. Having completed 12 activities in
the morning it was no surprise to see that the children still had energy for all of their races in the
afternoon!! The winning team will be announced in assembly this afternoon.
Today we have a market place in the hall where each class in turn visits a selection of stalls
celebrating some of the food and traditions of a variety of countries that the children studied during
international week. There will be photographs on the website later but when you get a chance please
ask your child to talk to you about it.
Next week is the Y5/Y6 residential to Colomendy in North Wales. The weather forecast is looking a
bit mixed but I am sure that we will still enjoy ourselves.
Well done to 1K and to 6L for having the best attendance in their Key Stages this week.
Yours sincerely
B M Shiels
Head Teacher