2014-03-18 – Minutes – Property Committee

MARCH 18, 2014
PRESENT: Cecil White, Dianne White, Lamont Larkin, Mary Corbett, Bruce Tymchuk, Lester
Dominey, Carl Hick, Helen Seymour
ABSENT: Al Smith, Ruth-Anne Stirling, David Tracy
CALL TO ORDER- Bruce called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM
APPROVAL OF AGENDA- Lamont moved; Carl Seconded approval of the agenda.
WELCOME and INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS- Each committee member was
introduced and welcomed to the committee.
MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 2014- Lamont Moved; Lester Seconded approval of the minutes
as circulated.
1. Weekly Site Inspections – Site Representatives- Reminder to continue to check the various
sites twice per week. ACTION: Bruce will speak to Al about wanting the reps to be active
committee members. If a replacement is required, Carl will become site rep for New Minas with
Lester as his assistant; Bruce will become the rep for Wolfville. Louis is doing the checks on
Canard while Ruth-Anne is away.
2. Phone and Internet- These have been canceled at the various sites.
3. Move stackable tables – New Minas Site- These have been declared surplus and have been
moved to Wolfville for the yard sale. There are two tables yet to be moved.
4. Elevator License- Lamont has the license and will post it at the Kentville site.
5. Work Party – Kentville Site- The remaining work will be coordinated by the Disposition
6. Finish packing items to be retained – Kentville- Items such as speakers still need to be
removed from Kentville and Wolfville for the yard sale.
7. Remove monitors from Wolfville and install at New Minas- These have been installed and are
reported to be helpful. The small monitor at the front door will show current events.
8. Check boiler for leaks – Wolfville Site- Bruce repaired the boiler in Wolfville and it seems to
have been successful as no leaks have been reported.
CORRESPONDENCE- Coastal Boiler submitted a bill for $1625.84. ACTION: Bruce will give
this to finance.
DVD license application is due this month. ACTION: Helen alerted Helen Gill to pay this as
soon as possible.
Communication brochure: ACTION: It has been placed in the Communication mailbox.
1. Fire Marshall Report… New Minas- No change
2. Facility Usage Agreement & Policy- ACTION: Helen is to send the first draft to committee
members. This has not gone to Council yet.
3. Oulton’s Fuel- As buildings sell, the site rep is responsible to have the tanks topped up a few
days prior to closing.
4. Furnace Inspection and Repair – Kentville Site- Work is completed. We are just awaiting the
Fuel Safety Inspector’s approval.
5. Site Reps are reminded- Continue to check sites.
6. Storage Facilities- Until a site sells this is not a priority
7. Repair damage to the wall in the main entrance area – NM- Mary Corbett and Dianne White
will see that this work gets completed.
1. Pipe Organ blower – Wolfville Site- Bruce purchased and replace the burnt out piece so the
blower is now working.
2. Toilet water leak front washroom – New Minas Site- Bruce repaired this.
3. Remove yard sale items from walls and other areas – Kentville and Wolfville Sites- Speakers,
etc. still need to be removed from Kentville and Wolfville.
4. Men’s group in Wolfville will be meeting elsewhere at the end of April.
5. Booker School have been given notice not to use the gym from April 1st to May 11th and to
return furniture items by April 1st so items can be deemed surplus or to keep prior to the yard
sale. The Manse will not be vacated until June 30th.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING- Tuesday April 8th at 7:00 PM.
Motion to Adjourn – Cecil moved the meeting adjourned at 5:07 PM.
Chair- Bruce Tymchuk
Secretary- Helen Seymour