Environmental Review – November 2014










School: Danson Primary School

Date of Review: 13:11;14

Carried our by: Laura Anthony


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1 How serious is the problem of rubbish/litter in the school grounds?

Very serious, the place is a mess most of the time

Not too bad but could be improved

The grounds are more or less litter free 

2 Does your school have a clear anti-litter policy? x

Yes No 

3 Are there litter bins inside the school buildings?  Yes No

How many of these are Full / Overflowing? x ______________

How many are about half full?

How many are less than a quarter full? x



4 Are there any areas inside the school buildings that are littered

5 where there are no litter bins?

Are there enough litter bins in the school grounds? 





How many of these are Full / Overflowing? ______________

How many are about half full?

How many are less than a quarter full?

6 Are there any areas in the school grounds that are littered x where there are no bins?



Yes No

7 Are the bins generally:

Big enough?  Yes No

Correct design? [holding litter in windy conditions]  Yes No

Clean? Some Yes No

Any further comments on Litter

There are litter bins that are emptied once a week by the local authorities, these are very large

With lids. There are paper bins in our classrooms which are emptied daily (although we are trying to recycle as much as possible). Our Eco Council has initiated recycling of plastic cartons and bottles in the borough, they designed the posters and labels for the bins too. We do have food waste bins and we are working hard to reduce the amount of food wasted each day.


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1 Does the school include education on healthier eating and basic food/personal hygiene practice in the curriculum?  Yes No

2 Does the school have drinking water easily available?  Yes No

3 Does the school offer all pupils a minimum of 2 hours physical activity / week within and outside the curriculum?  Yes No


4 Does the school have a no smoking policy for staff? 

[if yes is this followed by all staff, parents and carers?] 

Do the school toilets have:

Doors with locks 

Toilet Paper 

Water to wash hands 

Paper Towels 

Yes No

Yes No

5 Are there green plants growing in pots in any classrooms? A few. Yes No

[if Yes, in which classrooms – if all write ALL] year 1, year 4, corridors and meeting

room, also offices.









Any further comments on healthy living

The children are given fresh fruit to eat every day. All children and staff are encouraged to bring in healthy packed lunches. There are water fountains around the school for the children to drink from. School dinners are available for each children and have been approved by our School

Council. There is a strong emphasis on healthy eating. The children can pay to have this healthy lunch each day and there are various choices; including a vegetarian option. Salad and fresh fruit is available each day also.



1 Does the school have a wildlife or conservation area?  Yes No

[if Yes, is the area protected by fences or school rules or both?]  Yes No

[if Yes, are the children involved in looking after them?]  Yes No

2 Does the school have links with any local or national environmental organisations?

[if Yes, then list the organisations]

Any further comments on Biodiversity





The school has previously won awards for the wildlife garden. We are currently working towards our ‘Green Flag’ award and are currently at level silver.



1 What proportion [percentage] of the school grounds are:

Green playing field / Short Grass: 50%

Conservation or Wildlife area: 10%

Long Grass: 10%

Woodland: 1%

Tarmac / Path / Roads: 15%

Flower / Vegetable Beds: 10%

Seating: 10%

Activity Play: 50%


2 What proportion [percentage] of the school boundaries are:

Hedges & Trees 5% Wire or Railing 10% Open Ground 10%

3 Does the school recycle garden or fruit/vegetable waste in a composter or wormery?

Always Occasionally 

Rarely Never

4 Do you ever hold lessons outside? PE, Science, Maths, Art, Yes No

5 Have pupils looked into the heritage of the school grounds? X Yes No

Any further comments on School Grounds

The school has recently become a ‘Forest School’ and we are in the process of developing this further. Each classroom has an ‘outside’ area which is used for outdoor play, science and ecological projects.



1 Do pupils consider how actions taken within the school affect people and the environment locally and globally? Yes No

Local Action

Waste audit 2013



Local Effect Global Effect

Children identified amount of waste

Saving Water

Understanding of different types of litter, litter hot-spots and reasons for them.

Introduction of plastics and cartons bin.

Children began to consider waste in other schools.

Empathy with others who have less rainfall and forming a greater understanding of the long-term economical effects this can have.

Comparing and contrasting litter problems.

2 Of the Eco-Schools topics that you may have looked at in the past, have you explored how these issues might be approached in other parts of the world? Yes, however, we would like to obtain first hand

experience of this.  Yes No

If so please give examples:

Eco- Schools Topic Location[s] looked at

Water ‘Our precious resource’. UK, Malawi,

Litter – Different types, hotspots and reasons for this.


UK, Malawi, Commonwealth Countries

UK, Malawi, Commonwealth Countries

3 Are the opportunities for considering global environmental issues maximized through the curriculum?  Yes No

Has the school made use of materials from other organisations to help with this topic?  Yes No

4 Have the pupils considered other issues, such as:

Human rights and Ethics  Yes No

Fair Trade  Yes No

Conflict Resolution

Any further comments on Global Perspective

Yes No

The school has begun to examine issues of water, litter and deforestation. Some classes have touched on Fair Trade, however, we would like to explore this in more detail.



1 Do any of the issues considered in this environmental review feature in school assemblies?

If so then list those topics covered in the last term:

Water, litter, deforestation and food have all featured in our school assemblies.

2 Are special environment-related lessons or visits undertaken by classes or groups eg paper making, visits to environmental venues etc?

If so then list those undertaken in the last term:

Classes have visited the local park to examine different trees and consider the effects that deforestation would have.

Further classes have explored wildlife and foods that grow wild through a joint ecological and history project.

During our week on food, many classes have made visits to Tesco and engaged in the ‘From

Farm to Fork’ experience.

3 Are pupils involved with local waste, re-cycling or conservation projects outside school time or via links with schools abroad etc?

If so then list some examples:

Our school council has been involved in extending the facilities that help children to keep fit.

Our school council has organised the installation of paper recycling bins in the school.

Our Eco Committee have worked with the local authority (Bexley London Borough) to launch an initiative to recycle plastics and cartons.

The school has worked hard to raise money for our link school in Malawi.

Energy-saving devices have been fitted within the school that reduce the amount of electricity we use.

Comments / Notes for Action


On completion of the Environmental Review, fill in the following boxes with any comments relating to each topic and list possible actions that could be taken.

Some of these actions can then be used in your Action Plan.

Energy: Consider further ways to save energy.

Litter: Repeat the waste audit and record the effects of our new recycling initiatives.

Waste Minimisation / Recycling Continue to recycle and monitor the amounts of waste to ensure that waste is at a minimum. Refresh posters around the school and remind children in school assemblies about the importance of recycling.

Supply and Usage of Water Confirm date of visit by Thames Water to reinforce ways to reduce water wastage and introduce new initiatives.

Any other comments Work together with our link school to find mutual ways of saving energy and water, reducing waste and litter and increasing recycling possibilities where possible.
