September 16, 2013 - Eastern Connecticut State University

Eastern Connecticut State University
83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099
Student Government Association
General Board Meeting
September 16th, 2013
Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M.
Hicks (BAM), Z. Yeager (Secretary)
Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney
Senators: Adam Burns, Karolina Chrzanowska, Kayla Cusano, Alec DelValle,
Erin Drouin, Mark Fournier, Joe Garzone, Emily McDonald, Liz Pelletier, Ryan
Perry, Sherona Ramsay
Guests: JC Carr, Erica Benoit, Victoria Cosma, Megan Styrczula, Reuben
Rivera, Judy Reid, Justin Ahern, Desi Dykstra, Heaven Caristo-Mobley
Meeting called to order at 3:02 PM
1. Acceptance of Minutes for
a. Motion # 5 (K. Chrzanowska, E. Pelletier) Motion to accept the
minutes from 9/9/13 (14-0-0) Motion carries.
2. President’s Report:
a. Motion # 6 (S. Ramsay, K. Cusano) Motion to spend no more than
$3000 for event security for campus events. (13-0-0) Motion
i. Z. Yeager inquired about who pays the other half. The
University pays the other half.
ii. D. Dykstra inquired the reasoning behind the need for security.
In order for a club to have a big event (dance, etc.) they need to
have campus police be present. We will pay for one, but if they
have multiple events, then the club will need to pay for
b. Club Fair:
The date has changed to this Wednesday due to the predicted rain last
week. A sign up sheet was sent around to the Senate and E-Board to
sign up for times to man the table.
c. One on ones:
P. Bjornstad discussed the Senators being able to voice their opinion
on SGA in a closed environment, and are able to discuss with him
Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association
“Students Serving Students”
where they want to go with SGA, as well, what they would like to get
out of it.
3. Vice President’s Report:
a. E-Board update:
The E-board is working to finalize the retreat details. More
information to come next meeting.
It is imperative that all Senators have marked their calendars.
b. Nominations:
Motion # 7 (E. Pelletier, E. Drouin) Motion to nominate Alexander
Fiducia, JC Carr, Rose Labrie, Meaghan McFall-Gorman, Elena Deluca,
Clint Gosselin, Reuben Rivera, Justin Ahern, Erica Benoit, Megan
Styrczula, Heaven Caristo-Mobley, Victoria Cosma, Virginia-Desi
Dykstra, Judy Reid, and Mucahit Kandemir as candidates for Senator
for the 2013-2014 academic year. (13-0-0) Motion carries.
c. Committees:
i. BAM: Club council was last week. The turnout was lower than
expected, so M. Hicks is offering the same presentation at
BAM’s meeting following the general board meeting.
ii. Internal E. Pelletier led an icebreaker.
iii. Public Relations: E. Drouin needs Senators to put the posters
up and inquired why it has not been done already. Many
Senators forgot, but the need for promotion of the pep rally is
iv. Student Issues: They will have a meeting today at 4 PM. Issues
will be given to the committee and new approaches for getting.
v. Pep Rally: Wristbands have shipped. They should be here
Tuesday/Wednesday. Tumblers and t-shirts are here. Senators
receive their t-shirts the night of the pep rally. Sign-ups for
shifts will be going out during next meeting. Everyone has to
go, unless you have a valid reason. The schedule is being
created and reviewed by the committee.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
5. Secretary’s Report:
a. Yearbook Photo:
The Yearbook has e-mailed us asking to take a photo. We will be
taking the photo on Monday, September 30th, once our new Senators
have been inducted.
b. Office Hours:
Z. Yeager is working with M. Delaney to get a card reader to better
track office hours.
6. Advisor’s Report:
C. Ambrosio reminded Senators about the club fair’s importance to every
club. R. Perry said it will be infinitesimally better weather this week.
7. Old Business: Nothing to report.
8. New Business: Nothing to report.
9. Open Floor:
a. Dates to Remember:
i. Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 – Club and Organization
Fair, 5-7pm Webb Lawn
ii. Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 – Food Focus, 5pm, Hurley
iii. Thursday, September 26th, 2013 – Pep Rally 7pm, Gym
iv. Saturday & Sunday, October 5th & 6th, SGA External Retreat,
Camp Hazen
Meeting adjourned at 3:32 PM