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Grade 12 University English
Hamlet – Compare/Contrast Essay
In this assignment, you are asked to write a comparative or contrast essay (or a combination of the two) whereby you
will find connections between characters and prominent ideas found in Hamlet. You will be required to use at least
ONE secondary source in your essay. Your essay must adhere to the formal writing rules and the MLA guide.
Choose one of the following essay topics:
1. Compare and/or contrast how Hamlet treats Ophelia and Gertrude. Discuss how his interactions with these
female characters inform the reader of Hamlet’s view of women.
2. Compare and/or contrast Laertes and Hamlet. Discuss each character’s morality and their view of family
3. Compare and/or contrast how Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras secure revenge.
4. Compare and contrast the characters of Hamlet and Horatio.
5. Compare and/or contrast how disease and decay are used as a metaphor for the diseased nation and the
corruption of mankind.
6. Compare and contrast the idealism of both Hamlet and Ophelia. Explore how it was a force that unified them
and destroyed them both.
7. Focusing on Hamlet’s seven soliloquies, compare and/contrast Hamlet’s character at the beginning and at
the end of the play exploring his transformation or lack thereof.
8. Compare how dramatic irony adds to the atmosphere of tragedy and to the atmosphere of comedy. How
does this influence the overall thematic significance of the play? (examples and not limited to—5.1 and 5.2)
Be sure to refer to your notes on essay structure (Essay Outline) that were provided in class.
You are to structure your essay so that it contains 3 arguments. Your essay should contain a total of 8 paragraphs (6
body paragraphs + introduction + conclusion). Each body paragraph should contain TWO direct quotations.
Therefore, you will have 12 quotations in total.
You are required to use at least one secondary source that will help develop or support your argument. You are
encouraged to use brief quotations or paraphrase information from the secondary source. Sources must be
academic and credible. Websites such as Wikipedia or Sparknotes are not acceptable. Your sources must either be
academic periodicals (that you can access from library computers) or good old-fashioned books that sit on a shelf.
Adhere to MLA handout to cite quotations properly.
Please also keep the following guidelines in mind:
 All rough work must be submitted with your final draft and “process work” will be included in your rubric
 Your final copy must be typed and in MLA format (including Work Cited)
 A copy must be submitted to turnitin.com – failure to do so will result in a ZERO
Length 8-9 pages max. without exception.
Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences:
Due Date:
Turnitin Date:
Grade 12 University English: Hamlet – Compare/Contrast Essay Outline
General Opening Statement
Harnessing Statements
Argument #1 (Text A _____________________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text A)
Quotation #1 (Text A)
Analysis #1(Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Example #2 (Text A)
Quotation #2 (Text A)
Analysis #2 (Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Argument #1 (Cont’d – NEW Paragraph Text B ________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text B)
Quotation #1(Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #1(Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Example #2 (Text B)
Quotation #2 (Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #2 (Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Argument #2 (Text A _____________________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text A)
Quotation #1 (Text A)
Analysis #1(Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Example #2 (Text A)
Quotation #2 (Text A)
Analysis #2 (Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Argument #2 (Cont’d – NEW Paragraph Text B ________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text B)
Quotation #1(Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #1(Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Example #2 (Text B)
Quotation #2 (Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #2 (Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Argument #3 (Text A _____________________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text A)
Quotation #1 (Text A)
Analysis #1(Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Example #2 (Text A)
Quotation #2 (Text A)
Analysis #2 (Text A : Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; 2-3 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Argument #3 (Cont’d – NEW Paragraph Text B ________________________________):
Topic Sentence:
Example #1 (Text B)
Quotation #1(Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #1(Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Example #2 (Text B)
Quotation #2 (Text B)
Analysis & Comparison #2 (Text B: Explain how the quotation supports the topic sentence and thesis; comparison is provided;
3-5 sentences)
Concluding sentence
Restate Thesis
Summation of Main Points
General Closing Statement