Periodic Table of Elements Did you know that early scientists


Periodic Table of Elements

Did you know that early scientists believed the only four elements were

Earth, Fire, Wind and Water?

Now we know of approx. 118 elements!

Monday – October 1st

Students should begin class by turning in their element projects (an 8x11 piece of paper, which includes their research information and the cover page) from Thurs. & Friday.

Today, all classes will begin Lesson 2 of Chapter 3 – p. 86-92 – “Metals”.

First - all students should read the section.

Then - they should complete the Lesson Outline worksheet (located on teacher’s desk)

and #’s 1-8 (p. 92 of book), using complete sentences.

*Please note*

All classes should keep their completed work until tomorrow. Nothing should be turned in today!

Tuesday – October 2nd

Yesterday, all classes read Lesson 2 of Chapter 3, “Metals”. Today, they need to review the

Lesson Outline (worksheet) answers, as well as the answers to #’s 1-8 on p. 92 of the book.

Assignment: All classes should complete p. 80-81 and 82 of their “Science Notebooks”


Wednesday – October 3rd

All classes will review answers from p. 80, 81 & 82 of their Science Notebooks. Students, who received photocopied handouts, should date them and put them into their folders/binders immediately!

Following the review, we will begin Lesson 3 – p. 94-101 – “Nonmetals & Metalloids”.

First, students should read the section.

Then, they should use the book to complete p. 49-50 (photocopies) – Content Practice A & B

Thursday – October 4th

Today, all classes will review and should turn in p. 49-50, as a graded assignment.

Next, the class will begin the “Alien Insect Periodic Table” lab. Ms. Jenkins will introduce the lab by giving out a photocopied handout, then reading through the directions. Following the directions, the class will be divided into groups of two to three students. Then, those groups will be given a bag containing their “Alien Insect” cards, to inspect. They should be returned to the teacher before leaving.

Friday – October 5th

Today, all classes will begin creating Alien Insects, using their cards. Carefully, the groups should follow the lab guidelines to find the pattern. This may take some groups longer than others. As all groups proceed, please make sure questions are being answered. Lab papers should be turned in before leaving class today!
