Shamvil U. Gases 11388242 Answer the following questions

Shamvil U. Gases
Answer the following questions (answers should be at least one paragraph with 3 sentences):
1. What was the first killer app in the early days of the Internet?
The first killer app during the early days of the internet was the email. Because during
that time they were not any means of communication between two computers. Email became a
way where users can send messages to the users of the same computer.
2. What US Government Agency was the forerunner of the modern Internet? Why was it
The US Government Agency that is the forerunner of the modern internet was DARPA
or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (also called ARPA in 1960s). The
development of the internet was to protect USA from their enemies during that time. During that
time the “internet” was considered a military stuff and not for the general public.
3. Name 3 innovations that made the birth of the Internet possible.
The TCP/IP since there are many networks and in each network/computer, they have
their own “language” TCP/IP was created to unify this networks
The World Wide Web of Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Mosaic considered the first graphical web browser for the general public
4. What is the contribution of Sir Tim Berners-Lee?
Considered the number one contribution of Sir Tim Berners-Lee was he created the net
or what we know today as the World Wide Web or WWW. He first proposed this idea on 1989
then the year after(1990) the first World Wide Web protocols are finished. The codes for the
World Wide Web were also written by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
5. What was the main reason why the Internet finally became mainstream?
Because of the www it allowed connection of multiple networks globally, it resulted to the
internet being available to the general public. Also the creation of mosaic and netscape also
triggered this phenomenon of making the internet available publicly.