Dear Hildebrandt Students, Parents/Guardians, This year new math

Dear Hildebrandt Students, Parents/Guardians,
This year new math and science resources have been adopted for the district, and the student
textbooks that will be issued for these courses are consumable, meaning that they are not
tracked by district bar codes, and do not need to be returned at the end of the year. As a result
of this new adoption, the only student textbooks available for check out are the following: 6th
grade social studies, foreign language, ELA, and Algebra. Therefore, textbook checkout
procedure will be modified for the 2014-2015 school year. The textbook distribution schedule is
as follows:
1st week of school:
Math (excluding Algebra) and science teachers will distribute consumable textbooks to each
student for use.
2nd week of school:
All students will receive textbook permission letters from their ELA, foreign language, and social
studies (6th grade only) teachers to be taken home and signed by a parent or guardian. If you
choose to check out a book for any of the aforementioned subjects, the book becomes your
financial responsibility if lost or damaged.
3rd week of school (September 9-11):
Textbooks will be issued to students through their ELA, social studies (6th grade), and foreign
language classes. Students may only be issued a textbook if they bring their signed parent
permission letter(s) to school on the correct distribution day. The signed letter will act as your
acknowledgement that these books must be returned to campus in good condition at the end of
the year, or the whole cost of the book will need to be paid. No textbooks will be distributed on
the class distribution days without a signed parent permission letter.
All textbook distribution is optional, and students are encouraged to ask their teachers to
recommend the need for checking out a book as class sets are kept in every classroom. Also, all
textbooks are available online in full with supplemental features. The online log in information
for students will be issued by teachers.
Also, please be reassured that even though there is a scheduled distribution, if at any time
throughout the year it is determined that a hard copy of a textbook is required, it can always be
checked out through the assistance principal’s office by calling 832-249-5053 to set up an
appointment. Also, please keep in mind that the only books issued by the school are the ones
mentioned above.
Best Regards,
Lauren Marti
Assistant Principal
Joffery Jones · Principal · 832-249-5100
Hildebrandt Intermediate · 22800 Hildebrandt Road · Spring, Texas 77389
Student Textbook Distribution Permission Form
I would like my child to receive a textbook for the following course:
(Only available books are Alg, ELA, Spanish I, French I, and 6th grade social studies)
Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Class for which I am requesting a book:__________________________________
Grade Level:________________________________________________________
I also acknowledge that I am responsible for turning in any checked out books at the end of the
year. If I fail to return the book in good condition, I agree to pay the full replacement value of
the book.
Price List:
Prentice Hall Literature
Our World Today
Holt Algebra
Discovering French
Realidades 1
Parent Signature:________________________________________________________
Joffery Jones · Principal · 832-249-5100
Hildebrandt Intermediate · 22800 Hildebrandt Road · Spring, Texas 77389