New Scholarship Schemes for Indonesian Civil Servants: SPIRIT

New Scholarship Schemes for Indonesian Civil Servants: SPIRIT Scholarship
The new scholarship schemes for Public Sector capacity development calls Scholarship
Program for Strengthening the Reforming Institutions (SPIRIT) is launched and dedicated for
civil servants in 11 reforming institutions. The scholarships objectives are:
1) to enhance organisational capacity and
2) to improve internal operating environment, of these targeted agencies.
The program is clearly seen to support bureaucracy reform. The eleven targeted reforming
agencies are:
1) The Ministry of Finance (KEMKEU)
3) The Civil Service Agency (BKN)
4) The Investment Coordination Board (BKPM)
5) The Supreme Audit Board (BPK)
6) The Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP)
7) The Land Administration Agency (BPN)
8) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KEMLU)
9) The Ministry of Home Affairs (KEMDAGRI)
10) The National Institute of Public Administration (LAN)
11) The State Ministry for Administrative Reforms (MenPAN)
BAPPENAS will act as coordinator bureau for 10 participating agencies, except Ministry of
In 2012, the budget of SPIRIT scholarship program abroad intend to cover:
 PhD programme: 24 scholars
 Master degree : 56 scholars
 Master degree (linkage or double degree programmes): 8 scholars
 Internship abroad: 35 scholars
 Short Courses: 189 scholars
The program is focusing on the following study programme:
a) To increase institutional capacity building on managing bureaucratic reform. Relevance
study programmes namely: Human Resources Management, Change Management,
Management Information System, Performance Evaluation, Strategic Management,
and Personnel Management.
b) To increase institutional capacity building on forming public policy. This is based on the
needs of each institution.
Linkage (or Double Degree) programmes with the Netherlands
PPIE-University of Indonesia and Vrije University
MPWK-ITB and RUG and lTC
Geography-UGM and ITC
Environmental Management UNSRI and UNESCO-IHE
Master Programme overseas:
have earned a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in
Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum G.P.A.
score 2.75):
relevant work experience for at least two years;
graduated from the university for at least two years
have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the
ITP TOEFL 450 and TPA 565
Maximum age limit: 41.
PhD Programme overseas:
have earned a Master degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in Indonesia;
be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum G.P.A. score 3.5):
relevant work experience for at least two years;
graduated from the last university for at least two years
have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the
ITP TOEFL 500 and TPA 565
Maximum age limit: 41.
Short Course Programme overseas:
have earned a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in
Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements
relevant work experience for at least two years;
graduated from the university for at least two years
have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the
ITP TOEFL 450 and TPA 565
Maximum age limit: 55.
The candidate will receive Pre Departure English Training up to 9 months based on their ITP
TOEFL scores.