++Character List for Animal Farm (#12) Old Major

++Character List for Animal Farm (#12)
Old Major - pig/boar, original leader of Rebellion (Lenin/Marx)
Snowball - pig, good with words, he was run off by Napoleon (Trotsky), made a
scapegoat for problems
Napoleon - pig, bully, feared leader, a tyrant, threatens animals with his dogs
Squealer - pig, persuasive, messenger for Napoleon, spreads propaganda, spin
Minimus - pig, proposes songs and poems, writes propaganda
Mr. Jones - owner of Manor Farm, later named Animal Farm (Czar Nicholas)
Mrs. Jones - farmer's wife (Alexandra)
Mr. Pilkington - neighboring farm, Foxwood Farm - represents England (Churchill)
Mr. Frederick - neighboring farm, Pinchfield Farm - represents Germany (Hitler)
Mr. Whymper - trader with animals, negotiator
Bluebell - dog - mom of pups
Jessie - dog - mom of pups
puppies (9) - trained to fight for Napoleon, secret police who do Stalin's purges
Pincher - dog, dad of pups
Boxer - hard working horse, very loyal, is taken advantage of (loyal industrial
Clover - female horse, colts were sold off, friend of Boxer
Benjamin - donkey, pessimistic, friend of Boxer, as smart as pigs, can read
Mollie - vain white horse, pulled the cart, showy, likes bows & sugar, left the farm
(represents the bourgeoisie (business owners) who liked capitalism/the system
that existed before.)
Muriel - goat that can read, nearly as smart as pigs
Moses - raven, preaches about Sugarcandy Mountain, represents the Russian
Orthodox Church, spy
knacker - glue factory agent
Russians in history (#12)
Czar Nicholas II: Russian leader, abdicated the throne in 1917, White Army was
loyal to him, he & his family were killed by Bolsheviks
Alexandra: wife of Nicholas
Karl Marx: wrote the Communist Manifesto which introduced the concept of
communism (equality for all, no religion, gov't owns all resources)
Proletariat: workers, working class
Russian Orthodox Church
Flag: Hammer & Sickle
Russian Revolution: 1917, civil war between White and Red armies). Red army won.
Bolsheviks ---Communist Party
White Army: supporting czar
Red Army: Supporting Bolsheviks
Lenin - organized revolution - first leader of Communist party, died of a stroke two
years later. His body was preserved and on display in Red Square. "Old Major's
Trotsky: one of leaders in revolution, was favored to succeed Lenin. Stalin exiled
him and he was later killed by Stalin's agents in Mexico.
Stalin: succeeded Lenin as Soviet leader, known for his cruelty as he exiled people to
work camps (Gulags) in Siberia and his purges. Leader during WWII as well.
purges: mass killings instituted by Stalin of those who challenged him.
secret police: Stalin's agents, conducted the purges.
Vocabulary (# 13)
dystopia (opposite of utopia, paradise, perfection)
The Seven Commandments (pp. 24-25 or p. 43) (#13)
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. (p 67)
5. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. (p 109)
6. No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. (p 91)
7. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. (p 134)
4 legs good, 2 legs bad (better).