Cutting your wasteline school grant application form

Schools 'Cutting your Wasteline' Grant
Would you like money to help reduce the number of black bags of rubbish your
school produces and / or promote composting and recycling education?
Grants can be used in a variety of ways:
To set up practical recycling and composting systems in your school
To help educate your pupils about recycling and composting
Towards transport costs for visiting waste and recycling facilities*
To fund skill share visits*
*please contact us if you wish to apply for these as they have separate forms
IMPORTANT! - Please note this grant can only be used to fund items supporting work
which reduces black bag waste. It will not fund items such as solar panels, wind
turbines, electricity monitors and water butts.
This scheme is open to both secondary and primary schools in Devon and Torbay. There will be
two rounds of funding during the education year of 2016-17. All schools will be informed of the
outcome of their application on, or before, the notification date, see below:
Notification Date
1 - Summer 2016
Deadline to notify us Submission
if you would like Deadline
compost equipment**
Friday 22nd April
Friday 20th May
Friday 10th June
2 - Autumn 2016
Friday 7th October
Friday 25th
Friday 20th
January 2017
Friday 26th May
Friday 4th
**If you are interested in applying for food waste composting equipment, you will need to
book a visit with one of the compost experts; Melissa Harvey (;
07732 396012) or Nicky Scott (; 07919 467589).
All schools awarded a grant will be required to submit a brief report within 6 months. This will
include proof of expenditure (receipts / invoices), details of how the money was spent and the
benefits it has produced. Extensions of a further 6 months can be requested, however 12
months after being awarded the money we will require unspent funds to be returned.
Grants will be awarded on merit; we award points to each answer, so please give us as much
detail as possible. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised as to why they did not score more
highly and may resubmit an amended application for the next round of funding.
Successful schools must only purchase items as detailed on their application form, unless they
have prior agreement with the County Waste Education Team. A school can only be awarded
this grant once in each financial year.
We expect a high number of applications and sadly only have a limited budget, therefore please
read this guidance carefully. If you have any questions regarding your application, or you would
like to discuss ideas please contact Heidi Diepold on 01392 382920 or email
Please note: We encourage electronic grant submissions
Application form for the Schools 'Cutting your Wasteline' Grant
Name of School:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
School Address:
Telephone number:
Number of pupils:
Your Local Council:
(tick one)
Academies / Torbay
☐ South Hams
☐ West Devon
☐ Torridge
☐ Torbay
☐ East Devon
☐ Teignbridge
☐ Mid Devon
☐ Exeter City
☐ North Devon
If your school is an academy, please give your bank details:
Account number:
Sort Code:
Devon County
If your school is a Devon County School, please give your school budget code
- 9601
G120 (primary) / G130 (secondary 11-16) / G140 (secondary 11-18) – G0000 (school code) – 9601
(internal transfer budget code)
Scheme finances
The amount of money a school can apply for depends on two factors:
- The number of pupils on roll if applying for composting equipment. See table below. However, these
boundaries are flexible if the school cooks meals onsite for other schools. We will advise about this.
Size of school
Number of pupils
Up to 200
201 or more
Apply for up to…..
The total cost of the project. We will fund up to 85% of the scheme i.e. a small school who want
money for two HotBoxes (costing £445 each, plus £50 delivery) would get 85% of £1000 which is
Any money awarded from this grant must be spent within 6 months.
Other funding areas - County Councillors have funds they can give to local causes - has limited funds to help schools with composting equipment
Awards for All - would potentially fund composting equipment as part of a larger school community project
*** Please answer the following questions with as much relevant information as possible.
Detailed answers are awarded more points and so the application has a higher chance of
being successful. If you send your form to us in good time, then we may be able to make
suggestions to improve it before you submit it properly to meet the deadline ***
Details of item/s you would like to purchase
Total cost of project: £
Grant amount requested (up to 85% of total cost of project): £
Additional funds to be found by school: £
How will any additional funds be sourced?
1. How will this / these items reduce your schools waste to Landfill / Energy from Waste? (5 points)
2. Does your school currently recycle the following materials?
e.g. paper
Yes /No
Recycling scheme
e.g. separate boxes in the classroom
How are the children involved? (5 points)
e.g. A rota of children sort out paper that
has been used on both sides and put it
into the recycling box. They take this to a
centralised place every week, where the
caretaker puts it out for collection.
Plastic containers
Tins and cans
3. Does your school currently have reuse and/or reduction schemes for different materials?
e.g. paper
Yes /No
Reusing/ reduction scheme (5 points)
e.g. Scrap paper trays in each
Plastic containers
Clothes/ school
4. Does the school have an eco/ green/ environmental group?
How are the children involved? (5 points)
e.g. The children sort out paper used on
one side for the scrap paper tray and this is
used for wet play times, drawings and
workings out.
Yes ☐
No ☐
Roughly how many children are involved?
Please give details of what the children do (5 points)
5. Have you had recycling or waste related visit / workshop / assembly from an external organisation, such as
Resource Futures, Nicky Scott, Melissa Harvey or your local Waste Education Officer during the last two
educational years? Yes ☐
No ☐
If yes, please give details (5 points)
6. Are you working with any other external organisations on environmental related work?
Growing Devon Schools Partnership ☐
Eco-schools ☐
The Pod ☐
Food for Life ☐
Wildlife Trust ☐
Natural Connections ☐
Other ☐ who?.........................................................
If yes, give details of this work (3 points)
If you wish to apply for:
Composting equipment, go to section A
Recycling equipment, go to section B
Resources (such as books / storage etc), go to section C
Each section is worth 5 points
Section A
If you wish to apply for COMPOSTING EQUIPMENT please complete the following section (5 points)
We have compost experts who can visit your school to advise you about the composting systems; these
visits are free. Please contact Melissa Harvey on or Nicky Scott on
Please note: This grant will only fund equipment for composting ‘raw’ food waste, such as fruit waste
and kitchen peelings.
However, if you wish to purchase equipment that is capable of composting ‘cooked’ food waste, then we will
be able to advise you re: different types of equipment and how to set up the system. To do this requires
specialised equipment such as the Jora 270, the different sized Ridans and the Big Hanna. These are
insulated, sealed, rodent unfriendly units and must be used in conjunction with a maturation compost system
such as a HotBox. For more details of these see
It is advisable, but not essential, for your school to have had a free waste audit from Resource Futures (RF)
within the past 12 months. RF are contracted by Devon County Council to provide waste education in
schools. Their contact details and brochure of free, curriculum linked activities can be seen at
Even if you have had a waste audit, in order to ensure you get the most appropriate sized composting
equipment for your needs, we would like you to weigh all the food waste your school produces each
day for a week:
- fruit from the fruit scheme and children’s snacks
- vegetable peelings etc. from the kitchens
- un-served canteen food
- plate scrapings
- packed lunch food waste if your school has not adopted a take-home policy for this
Email for guidance and a spreadsheet to help you with this – please only use our
spreadsheet when submitting this data. We will then use this information to recommend the appropriate
composting equipment for your school’s needs.
- reduce your schools food waste
- Improving familiarity and appreciation of school meals
- improve your canteen experience
- meals cooked to order
- activities to include composting in your curriculum
Should your application be successful we will ask you to sign a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ (MoU) which
outlines the responsibilities of the school with regards to the management of the composter and also the
support and advice available from us. Please be aware that we will ask you for the name of the nominated
Compost Operator as part of this form.
If you would like kitchen caddies to assist with your composting then please contact your local council, who
may be able to supply them free of charge, or at a discounted price.
Have you had a waste audit (weighing the different types of waste your school produces) from Resource
Futures in the past 12 months? Yes ☐
No ☐
Have you completed a 5 day, food waste weighing spreadsheet, of at least raw food, and sent it as part of
this application form? Yes ☐
No ☐
We will use this information to advise you on the most appropriate composting system for your needs. We
highly recommend that you also look at ways to reduce your food waste; see the ‘resources section’ at the
bottom of the previous page.
Do you want to compost all your food waste, including cooked food and meat products?
Yes ☐ (please see below)
No ☐
This grant fund will only fund equipment for composting raw food waste, however we can advise you on
systems and equipment for composting cooked food waste.
If you are planning to compost cooked food, then the compost must be used within the schools grounds,
either in the gardens or inside planters. Please give details of how and where the compost will be used
Do you have pigs or other ruminant animals on the school site? Yes ☐
No ☐
If yes, they should not that have access to the composting equipment or garden.
Please confirm this is the case Yes ☐
No ☐
Has your school done any composting before? Yes ☐
If yes, please give details
No ☐
Does your school have a kitchen onsite where meals are cooked from scratch? Yes ☐
No ☐
Roughly how many meals are cooked each day?
Roughly how many packed lunches are eaten on site?
Is waste from packed lunches taken home by the children? Yes ☐
No ☐
Give details of how the children will be involved in the composting project
Please give us any other relevant composting details
Section B
If you wish to apply for RECYCLING EQUIPMENT please complete the following section
If you would like recycling collection boxes then please contact your local council, who may be able to
supply them free of charge, or at a discounted price. Or contact Heidi Diepold on
Give details of how you will involve the children in your recycling scheme
Please give us any other relevant details relating to your requested equipment
Section C
If you wish to apply for RESOURCES, such as books or storage please complete the following section
See for ideas of waste, recycling and compost related books and resources. However,
if you know of any others, then please tell us
Give details of how the resources will be used by the children
Please give us any other relevant details relating to your requested resources
Finally, please tell us anything else you think is relevant, for example if this is part of a larger project?
NB. We love to read words from the children about your requested items. Maximum of 200 words plus
photos. This section is worth up to 12 points!
Name of Head Teacher / Head of Department:
Signature (if sending by post):
Checklist: have you completed all the shaded boxes, in all the relevant sections?
To apply for a grant please complete this application form and post / email it to:
Heidi Diepold, Waste Management Team, Devon County Council, Matford Lane Office, County Hall,
Exeter, EX2 4QW. Tel: 01392 383000 Email:
By applying for this grant, Teachers agree that they will send a short report if they are successful,
as described on page one of this form.