Movie Ticket Sales

Minnekhada Middle School
Movie Ticket Sales
Do you love going to the movies? Would you like to go for less money?
Minnekhada Middle School is providing the opportunity to go to the movies for
less, as many times as you want. As a school were are going to purchase tickets
for student incentives and thought you could benefit from joining our order. We
are provided this as a service with no explicit benefit to the school.
You may purchase the following; all prices include HST
Movie Pass - Admission to the Movie only
Childs Night Out - Movie admission (ages 0-13); Kid's combo: popcorn tray, kid's soft drink and treat
If you would like to purchase tickets, please fill out the form below and return it to Mr. Wiebe in room 21.
You can purchase as many as you like, for friends and family too, use them at any time. The tickets are valid
for two years and are not limited in their use.
Please make cheques out to Minnekhada Middle School. The deadline is Friday, Dec 3 for orders to be
returned. The tickets should be here within a week after the order is placed.
This is not a fundraiser and the school will not make any money; we are providing this simply as an
opportunity for our school community. Please make checks out to Minnekhada Middle School
Mr. Wiebe
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Movie Pass
Childs Night Out
10 15 20 25 50 Other ______ @$9.00
10 15 20 25 50 Other ______ @$11.20
Total cost ____________________
Total cost ____________________
Grand Total of Order _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Total cost ____________________
Name of Parent ________________________________ Name of Student ____________________________
Name of Teacher ___________________________
Room Number __________
Please include the first and last name for parent and student.
Return to Mr. Wiebe in room 21. All cheques must be made out to Minnekhada Middle School.
If you are ordering for friends please make sure you put your information down so I know who to give
the tickets too.