Related Service/Supplementary Aids and Services Assistive

Related Service/Supplementary Aids and Services
Assistive Technology (AT)
The goal of Assistive Technology (AT) is to enable independence and to facilitate the full
participation of students with disabilities in all activities. AT is a continuum ranging from simple
to complex. The team should consider the least restrictive AT (simplest solution) before a more
complex solution. AT is "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired
commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities" (IDEA, 2004, Section 602). The
School Support Team (SST), which may consist of teachers, parents, therapists, school AT
contact person, paraprofessionals, and school administrators, will identify the student and
determine the area of concern e.g., curriculum access and/or communication skills.
Explanation of the process
The Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (ATIP K12) is a problem-solving process
by which the SST, including the AT contact person and district support staff, collaborate to
determine and assess which strategies/tools are most appropriate to assist the student in
accessing his/her educational program. AT implementation is a continuous process which
changes as the student’s needs change. Only ONE interim IEP meeting is required. At this
meeting, strategies/tools are identified (ranging from simple to complex), that meet the student's
educational, access or communication needs within the curriculum.
The SST develops the ATIP K12. This document, FM-7067, is found on the Forms
Management Site.
In alignment with Response to Intervention (RtI), the SST implements trials of
strategies/tools as determined by the ATIP K12 for at least 4 weeks.
Procedure for Schools if the trials are effective
 If trials are effective to meet the student's access and/or communication needs, the SST
completes the outcome page of the ATIP K12.
 The SST conducts an interim IEP meeting to document the AT strategies/tools that will
be used by the student, (in what classrooms and for what purposes/goals). The
completed original ATIP K12 form, including the original outcome page, is placed in the
cumulative folder.
Procedure for Schools if the trials are not effective
 The Assistive Technology Implementation is a problem solving process. Assistance
may be requested from the district/region support staff.
 Before requesting assistance from the Support Specialist for Assistive Technology
(SSAT), implement additional strategies/tools from the ATIP K12.
 If the strategies/trials are still not effective to meet the student's access and/or
communication needs, the SST should send the 3 documents listed below to Trudy
1. A copy (not original) of the ATIP K12 (after the implementation period,
documented dates tried and outcomes)
2. A copy (not original) of the signed FM 6279, Notice of Intent and
Parental/Guardian Consent to Conduct a Screening/Assessment. On FM 6279,
check "other" and write "assistive technology"
3. A copy (not original) of the latest IEP
The request will be forwarded to the designated SSAT.
Procedure for assistance provided by SSAT
The SSAT reviews the ATIP K12 and supporting documents. The SSAT makes
recommendations to the SST and will lend equipment, if necessary, for additional trials.
If additional strategies/tools recommended by the SSAT are effective, the SSAT
completes the outcome page of the ATIP K12. The SST conducts an interim IEP
meeting to document the AT that will be used by the student, (in what classrooms and
for what purpose/goals). The completed ATP K12, including the outcome page, is placed
in the cumulative folder.
If additional strategies/tools recommended by the SSAT are still not effective, the
SSAT assists the SST with additional trials. Trials and training are provided until
strategies/tools are identified that meet the student's educational, access or
communication needs within the curriculum.
If additional strategies/tools are then effective the SSAT completes the outcome of
ATIP K12 page. The SST conducts an interim IEP meeting to document the AT that will
be used by the student, (in what classrooms and for what purpose/goals). The
completed ATIP K12 is placed in the cumulative folder.
The District AT team promotes knowledge and awareness of AT and assists the SST in the
continuous problem-solving process to facilitate student success.
FM 7067, Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (ATIP K12)
FM 6279, Notice of Intent and Parental/Guardian Consent to Conduct a Screening/Assessment
FDLRS-S website:
District Assistive Technology website:
PreK link:
Ms. Trudy Sanchez, Chairperson for AT K12,
Centennial Middle School, MC 6081
305-235-1581 X2290