improving aerobic endurance via different cycling training loads

Onarici Gungor, E.1, Yilmaz, I.1, Kurdak, S.S.2, Soylu, R.3, Ertan, H.
1: Anadolu University (Eskisehir, Turkey), 2: Cukurova University (Adana,
Turkey), 3: Hacettepe University (Ankara, Turkey)
The aim of this study was to improve aerobic endurance via different cycling
training loads.
Male subjects (n=24) involved maximal cycling incremental test (
before and after the training period for to determine maximal oxygen
consumption (VO2maks) and ventilator threshold (VT). All of the subjects attended
six weeks of training 4 days per week for 30 minutes per session.
Training loads of the first group of subjects (n=12; age=22±2; height=176±4;
weight=71±7;body fat percentage=13±5) was moderate (M) (%90 VT). Training
loads of the second group of subjects (n=12; age=22±2; height=179±6;
weight=71±10;body fat percentage=13±5) was very heavy (VH) Δ%80 (%80 of
between VT and VO2maks).
After training periods aerobic endurance was improved both of the training
groups. As a parameters of aerobic endurance VO2max (L.min-1) was increased
(P<0.05) after two training sessions (after M 8.5%; after VH 17 %). Relative
VO2max ( also was significantly increased after both exercise sessions
(after ST 10.8%; after SPT 15.2 %).
VO2 at VT and maximal hearth rate was changed significantly after two training
period (P<0.05). But parameters were more change as a percentage after supra
threshold exercise.
Maximal lactate after the maximal incremental test was increased after moderate
(% 32) and very heavy trainings (%45) (P<0.05). After very heavy training
maximal lactate was increased more than moderate training (P<0.05).
Major question of this study was revolve around ‘‘how the affects of exercise
volume (M and/or VH) on physiological adaptation’’. Though trainings are both
effective for the metabolic and cardiovascular parameters, VH training is more
effective. In contrast of present study, absolute and relative VO 2max didn’t
improved after 8-week severe interval training program (Demarle et al., 2001).
Similarly with the study of Demarle et al. (2001) after 8 weeks of heavy training
relative VO2max didn’t improved (Slawinski et al., 2001). Because of high VO 2max
values of subjects (61.2±2.7) at the start of experiments can be the reason of
this results.
Demarle, A.P., Slawinski, J.J., Laffite, L.P., Bocquet, V.G., Koralsztein, J.P., Billat,
V.L., Decrease of O2 deficit is a potential factor in increased time to exhaustion after
specific endur- ance training. J Appl Physiol 90: 947–953 (2001)
Slawinski, J., Demarle, A., Koralsztein, J.P., Billat, V., Effect of Supra-Lactate
Threshold Training on the Relationship between Mechanical Stride Descriptors and
Aerobic Energy Cost in Trained Runners, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry,
109(2), 110–116 (2001)
Anaerobik Eşik Altı ve Anaerobik Eşik Üstü Egzersizlerin Kardiyovasküler ve
Metabolik Parametreler Üzerine Etkisi
Elvin Onarici Gungor,Prof. Dr. Ilker Yilmaz, Prof. Dr. Sadi Kurdak, Assoc. Prof.
Ruhi Soylu, Assoc. Prof. Hayri Ertan
Bu araştırmanın amacı 6 haftalık anaerobik eşik altı ve anaerobik eşik üstü
On iki erkek denek 6 hafta boyunca 4 gün*hafta-1 ve 30 dk olmak üzere anaerobik
eşik altı egzersiz yapmıştır. Diğer 12 denek de aynı süre ve sıklıkta anaerobik eşik
üstü egzersiz yapmıştır. Egzersiz programının öncesinde ve sonrasında tüm denekler
anaerobik eşik ve VO2maks değerlerini belirlemek için 20 W*dk-1 artırmalı bisiklet
testine katılmışlardır. İki egzersiz sürecinden sonra da VO2maks, laktat eşiğindeki
VO2maks, maksimal laktat değeri ve maksimal kalp atım hızı değerlerinde anlamlı fark
bulunmuştur. Ancak anaerobik eşik üzeri egzersiz yapan grupta yüzdesel olarak daha
fazla gelişim olmuştur. Bu çalışma sonucunda hem anaerobik eşik altı egzersizlerin
hem de anaerobik eşik üzeri egzersizlerin kardiyovasküler ve metabolik parametreler
üzerinde etkili olduğu ancak anaerobik eşik üzeri egzersizlerin daha fazla etkili
olduğu bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kardiyovasküler, Metabolik, Anaerobik Eşik Altı Egzersiz,
Anaerobik Eşik Üstü Egzersiz
Popovic, S.1, Bjelica, D.1, Jaksic, D.2, Georgiev, G.3
1: University of Montenegro (Niksic, Montenegro), 2: University of Novi Sad (Novi
Sad, Serbia), 3: Ss.Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje, Macedonia)
The first purpose of this study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards
advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. The
second purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between beliefs
about and attitude towards advertising through sport, mostly due to the reason
that it was expected that companies should profit from the use of sport as an
advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing to
positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies.
The data was collected from ran¬domly selected 433 stakeholders in Montenegro
(male: 217; female: 216) during the spring semester of 2010. The system of
variables consist 45 items, modeled by seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and
beliefs about and 6 demographic items that were modified from Pyun (2006)
original items to fit each area. The factor analysis were employed to take the best
item of each question, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to test
consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes
towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to
reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising
through sport.
The customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly
more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general, while all beliefs,
except materialism significantly influenced attitude towards advertising through
The current findings support the authors’ hypothesis that the consumers’
attitudes toward advertising through sport in Montenegro are significantly more
positive than advertising in general. These findings were consistent with the
previous evidences (Mittal, 1994; Schlosser et al., 1999; Pyun et al., 2012).
However, this study that recruited whole Montenegro’s population didn’t show
consistent findings with the previous studies that were conducted using college
students as a research sample (Pyun & James, 2009, 2011; Pyun et al., 2012),
mostly due to the reason this study found much more advertising beliefs
significantly influenced consumers’ attitude towards advertising through sport.
The authors believe these findings were caused because the sample covered
whole population, but it could be also caused, due to the reason that the
generalisability of results could vary from one population to other populations.
Anyway, these findings with certainty provide a cornerstone for understanding
the growth of consumers’ attitude towards advertising through sport in
Mittal B (1994). J Advertising Res, 34(1), 35-53.
Pyun DY (2006). The proposed model of attitude toward advertising through sport
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation), Florida State University, Tallahassee.
Pyun DY, James JD (2009). Int J Sport Comm, 2, 1-20.
Pyun DY, James JD (2011). Sport Manage Rev, 14(1), 33-41.
Pyun DY, Kwon HH, Chon TJ, Wook J (2012). Eur Sport Manage Quart, 12(1), 4363.
Schlosser AE, Shavitt S, Kanfer A (1999). J Interact Mark, 13(3), 34-54.
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