
Alhanoof Alhosani 100035264
Pleasure Reading Report
The sign of four .x.
Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Number of Pages: 55 page
Date Published: 1983
2. If your book was a mystery, tell what the mystery was and how it was solved.
Mystery… Miss Morstan’s mystery was that her father went to India for 17 years with the army after this year’s he came back to
London and she received a letter from him that says the address of a hotel in London and he ask miss Morstan to meet him there.
After that she went there but her father was disappeared. Four years after this disappeared she saw an advertisement in the
newspaper that ask her address and that she will receive good news so she advertised her address in the same newspaper. After
days she received a box with 6 pearls. Then after days she receive a letter said that go to Lyceum Theatre tonight at 7 and stand
outside the entrance on the left and she can bring 2 friends without telling the police.
Solved ... That Sherlock Holmes and D. Watson will go with miss Morstan to Lyceum Theatre at 7 clock. So when the clock was
they were in there and an Indian man this man was son of Morstan’s father b, friend he tell miss Morstan that her dad die but that
she will be rich because her father and his friend found a Treasure.
II. Comprehension:
2. What kind of book is this? List three evidences of this.
Mystery or police book
There are 2 mysteries in it.(1. Miss Morstan’s mystery
2. Batholomew murder)
Police men, inspector (Jones) and detective (Sherlock Holmes)
Murdered (Batholomew)
III. Application:
What lesson did you learn from the story?
That from small evidence and little thinking we can find the truth and solve any mystery but we have to be
Alhanoof Alhosani 100035264
Pleasure Reading Report
IV. Analysis:
2. Pick one of the main characters. Think of a shape that fits that person's traits. Draw the shape. Then describe the character inside
the shape.
I will draw Sherlock Holmes; he is a very clever man, famous private detective, help to solve crimes and don’t care if his client rich or
poor because he enjoy solving problems.
V. Synthesis:
Alhanoof Alhosani 100035264
Pleasure Reading Report
5. Compare this book with the last book you read.
I will compare between two mystery books the first one is The women who disappeared and the other one is The sign of four. Both of
them have a detective and a women that need a help also there are a trouser or a lot of money. I liked this book because the mystery
was so attractive and you can’t thing of the solution easily and I am a fan of Sherlock Holmes stories.
VI. Evaluation:
2. Is the title a good one or a poor one and why?
Good one
Because it attracted people who love mystery and Curious. Also it’s the most mystery thing in the story that everyone who was
murdered in the story will have paper written on in it the sign of four.