Explanation of Services

Explanation of Services/Procedure Codes
We at Osage County Chiropractic, P.A. are required to use these procedure codes
for the services that are provided.
In the past we have had some situations when patients do not understand why we have billed
certain codes. We have chosen to provide you with this information to bring more clarification
to why and how we will be billing the services you will be receiving. If you have any questions
please ask prior to seeing Dr. Kuder
New Patient - One who has not received any professional services from the physician within
the past three years. Procedure codes-99201, 99202, 99203. These codes are used for
evaluation and management services for a new patient. These codes WILL be used for patients
who have not been here within the past three years.
Established Patient -One who has received professional services from the physician within the
past three years. Procedure codes- 99212, 99213. These codes are used for evaluation and
management services for an established patient. These codes WILL be used if a patient has
not been here within the past year and CAN be used when a patient presents with a different
physical complaint since their last visit or has not been here in the past few months.
Chiropractic Adjustment- A manipulation of the spine or other articulations of the body to normalize
function. Procedure codes-98940, 98941, 98942.
*Soft tissue muscle techniques/Extra Spinal - Dr. Kuder uses his hands to assess muscle
groups/joints for tension, lack of movement or decreased range of motion. These techniques
combine active movements by the patient with directed manual pressure or tension on the
muscle or affected areas and joints. Procedure codes-97140,98943 *This definition is a
combination of multiple procedure codes.
****Dr. Kuder’s specialty is combining the chiropractic adjustment with the muscle
techniques. These are TWO separate services and WILL be billed according to the specific
procedure(s) and the level at which it is performed.*****
I have read, asked questions if needed and understand the above information.