Facts about SNOW EVENTs

Facts about SNOW EVENTS…..
Snow Flurry
Light, intermittent (not on going) snow fall without accumulation (piling up).
Snow Shower
Short periods of light or moderate snow fall with small accumulation.
Alberta Clipper
A fast moving LOW PRESSURE system that comes from Alberta, Canada that
travels south into the USA and then up the Atlantic Coast.
It brings very cold temperatures and 1-3 inches of snow.
A LOW PRESSURE system that hits the East Coast. In the winter this type of
storm can bring significant snow accumulation.
Lake Effect Snow
Warm moist air evaporates off of a lake.
Cold air pushes over the lake creating a sudden burst of snow.
Snow accumulation can be significant but not wide spread.
A dangerous storm with strong winds (35 mph) causing blowing snow and limited
visibility for at least 3 hours.
Snow Squall
A sudden “blizzard” like condition – winds, snow, cold – in a very narrow and small
Thunder Snow
Snowfall that has thunder and lightning.
A rare event.
The ground layer is warmer than the layers above but still cold enough for snow.