Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy

Metropolitan Planning Organization
Transportation Policy Committee
October 2, 2013
1. Call to Order
By Mayor Clarence Fields
2. Roll Call
Member present:
Mayor Jacques Roy
James Branch
Murphy Ledoux
Brandon Buckner
Eric Duck
Mayor Jonathan Dean
Charlie Moore
Joseph Bishop
Bart Jones
Other present:
James Lee
Matt Johns
Carol Zhou
Vera Zhang
John Miller
3. Approval of Minutes (April 24th, 2013)
- Motion by Mayor Jacques Roy
- 2nd by Mayor Jonathan Dean
Passed Unanimously
4. Local Road Inventory Presentation
Mr. James Lee from Fugro Consultants Inc gave a presentation on Local Road Inventory
at the meeting. Mr. James Lee introduced the collected data and services provided by his
company. Vera asked if the collected services covered all the state classified roads within
the MPO boundary and data accessibility. James confirmed that and said the information
is accessible. Mayor Fields summarized there has not been anything like this in the region
and confirmed that MPO is asked to coordinate with the locals if they are interested in
participating in this collaboration process. Matt asked how other participated MPOs paid
for the services and the possibility to utilize STP funds. James responded they were based
on the PL contracts. Mayor Dean suggested Mr. James Lee to contact each of the Mayors
and get the figures so the local municipalities may have a better idea as how much it
would cost. It was asked if this was related to the states coordination relative to the data
collection for the GIS corridors. Mr. James Lee answered to some degree it was. Mayor
Fields suggested that MPO should work and coordinate with cities/parish together on this
5. Discussion of Project Updates on Transportation Improvement Program
1) Versailles Blvd Lighting Project Engineering Phase
Vera said the estimated cost is $65,000. James Branch commented that it was
requested by the LaDOTD. LaDOTD engineering/lighting section did not have time to
review and this was for them to hire consultants to do the review. If this update is
passed, it would be recommended to LaDOTD for review.
Add Versailles Blvd Lighting Project Engineering Phase to the TIP.
- Motion by Mayor Jacques Roy
- 2nd by Mr. James Branch
Passed Unanimously
2) Central Louisiana Transportation Management Center
- Matt Johns
Matt presented the updates for the Central Louisiana Transportation Management Center
(TMC). The TMC will tie into the already existing ITS architecture including cameras,
dynamic messaging signs, traffic signal synchronization and remote control capabilities.
He said the phase I of Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) has been voted on and that
it would bring new signs (north/south of the town), cameras and etc. to this region. He
reminded that the state’s priority would be more in line with managing evacuation and
helping people to get out of town, while we want to also make sure the architecture works
for the people who actually live/work here. The specific TMC that has been discussed is a
new office building that houses all the mentioned facilities and consolidates all the people
including RAPC staffs and two DOTD district 08 offices. The Architecture Section and
Infrastructure Facility Section inside LaDOTD headquarter will take 144,000 dollars for
the work including some in-house and redevelopment. The district will take care of
tearing the old buildings down and removing whatever facilities attached to the towers. It
was estimated to cost $210,000(fully covered by the ITS funds) to build that TMC room
with the equipped ITS architecture in the house. This new building will leverage all the
upcoming architecture (2 signs and 3 cameras) utilizing $1.3 million on the first phase of
ITS and anticipate bringing in more new staffs annually. Matt presented the rough design
draft done by the architect. He said that the Planning Commission voted a week ago to
approve to match $300,000 on this project and proposed the MPO committee vote on
matching $1.2 million by utilizing STP funds.
Add the project Central Louisiana Transportation Management Center to the TIP FY1617.
- Motion by Mayor Jacques Roy
- 2nd by Mayor Jonathan Dean
Passed Unanimously
6. Other Business
Vera reminded that there would be a TAC meeting to discuss the future projects for
FY15-16 and FY 16-17 to be added to the TIP.
7. Adjournment
- Motion by Mayor Jacques Roy
- 2nd by Charlie Moore
Passed Unanimously
Respectively submitted,
Carol Zhou