Approval of Minutes

MYTH Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2014
Present: Karen Nicholson, Daryl McCoy, Casey Rodgers, Don Golden, Keri Wessel,
Eric Wessel, Toni Swartzenruber, Beth Cappello, Carl Wilber, Jenny Schiavone, Jerry
Bennett, Jessica Bennett, Lynda Kupferman, Gillian Stowe, Vance Grover
Roll Call: Roll call of the board was taken and all were present. 6:51 pm
Quorum: No quorum was determined due to low turnout.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from May were approved by Jerry Bennett
and Jenny Schiavone.
Treasurers Report: We collected $30,000 over the weekend tryouts. Will be
paying the June ice bill for $9,000 and paying Janet for jersey orders. We are fully
collected from last Fall. We have $6,000 outstanding from spring and everyone is
working on paying this off. We need team managers to help collect early this fall.
Each payment will be $400 monthly and AA teams will pay one extra month. There
is no new news on the IRS problem. All spring ice has been paid for.
Old Business: Don Golden wanted to follow up on ideas from last month
regarding two volunteer positions needed.
1.He is looking for a webmaster to help maintain and organize the website. They
could also help sell ads and get sponsors.
2. He is looking for a sponsorship coordinator. They would be responsible for
talking to businesses regarding sponsoring teams,. Last year Mike Bridges got a
company to sponsor and buy practice jerseys. They would work on tournaments
and work out deals with hotels and restaurants. We have a letter that can show we
are a 501 C-3 company.
We also need to get the committee organized for the Labor Day tournament.
New Business: We had a good turnout for tryouts, and early commitments were
up because of the new jerseys. There will be a second tryout July 27. Last year fall
tryouts were free, this year we charged $40 to keep only seriously interested
players involved. There was a suggestion to charge $50 next year and take it off the
commitment fees later. Online registration went well, there were 50 total.
Payments start earlier this year because we need to order jerseys. They will be due
July, August, Sept , Oct and Nov. Practice times for fall will be posted on the website
shortly. The maximum players per team per the bylaws is 18 skaters and 2 goalies.
This summer we have many opportunities for clinics. Coach Petey is doing Mon and
Wed from 6:30 to 8 for peewees and bantams.
Freddie has a July clinic for bantam AA, 16 and 18’s on Tues/Thurs from 4:15-6 with
off ice and 6:30-8 on ice.
Mike Bridges has goalie clinic for $15 per goalie starting June 24 from 6-7. Shooters
are $5, he wants a variety of ages.
Dan Lupo is offering private lessons, he also has a company with regards to elite
player placement.
Chris Mariner is the supervisor of officials in the state of FL. There are new changes
this year and he’ll be a the rink . One new rule is if you receive 3 majors in a season
you are suspended 1-3 games. We will try and schedule a question and answer with
parents to educate them on new rules.
Commitment fees will go up after second tryouts. A teams are going from 2400 to
$2500. AA teams go from 2800 to $2900. This is due to ordering new jerseys in
bulk, we get a discount if ordered that way. So parents need to commit prior to July
27 to qualify for $100 discount.
Motion to adjourn at 7:30 by Bennett and Simon.