Education Grantmaking Program: Priorities and Criteria

Education Grantmaking Program: Priorities and Criteria
Program Area Priorities
The Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation is interested in 1) supporting the high school to college
transition and 2) increasing postsecondary opportunities and success. The Foundation will fund direct service
and programs in these interest areas, and will also consider funding applied research or evaluation intended to
develop or improve evidence-based programming.
1. High School to College Transition
Getting students to college:
 Prepare students to apply and enroll in college
 Follow and support students through at least the first year of college
 Ensure that students are supported during the summer before the start of college
 Improve the college advising process
2. Postsecondary Opportunities and Success
a. College Persistence and Completion - Getting students through college:
 Focus on freshman to sophomore year retention
 Connect students with college/university resources
 Provide supports needed for college completion
b. Career and Non-college Alternatives
 Support Associate Degree attainment
 Assist students in earning job certification
 Connect students to non-college opportunities
 Provide opportunities to gain job skills or learn a trade
The Foundation’s focus on these initiatives within Education is based on a commitment to increase
opportunity and life success for low-income students. Our grantmaking will support the efforts of nonprofit
organizations; individual public schools in Chicago and Los Angeles; CPS and LAUSD school districts; institutions
of higher education; or any of the above working together in collaboration. We are interested in supporting
high quality programs that achieve meaningful outcomes for students; in finding systemic, innovative solutions
that promote collaboration amongst stakeholders; and in engaging in deep and substantive relationships with
Program Criteria
The following is a list of program and/or research criteria for the Foundation’s priority areas. The criteria are
generally agreed upon as those that best support students through the high school to college transition,
college persistence and completion, as well as career and non-college alternatives. The most successful
programs and proposals will incorporate many of the best practices identified below:
High School to College Transition
Strong academic preparation
Intensive college counseling and advising, application assistance
Focus on college “match” and “fit”
High-quality ACT and SAT test prep
Individualized supports – course planning, GPA management, remedial courses, credit recovery
Mentoring and supportive adult relationships
Comprehensive college-going culture
Transition coaching - touch points during high school, seamless “handoff” between high school and
college, extended support into college
Family engagement and education
Financial literacy/advising for students and families (scholarship support)
Developing and strengthening social and emotional learning/nonacademic skills
Pre-college experiences and college visits
Leadership development opportunities
Accurate and system-wide data tracking system to monitor all college-related work
Alumni tracking and support
Summer support – particularly between high school and college
Strong and collaborative relationships/partnerships with colleges and universities
College Persistence and Completion
Transition coaching - touch points during high school, seamless “handoff” between high school and
college, extended support into college
Comprehensive freshman orientation process
Placement exam support and access to remedial courses as needed
Ongoing financial counseling and support – e.g., access to emergency funds
Peer group support and mentoring – creating and maintaining student cohorts
Academic advising – registration, managing credits required for graduation, selecting a major
Comprehensive nonacademic advising – time management, study skills, connecting to resources,
helping students acclimate, fostering a sense of belonging and ability to be successful
Focus on social and emotional learning (SEL) and how SEL supports college persistence and completion
High-touch, frequent, individualized, and relationship-driven advising
Mentoring and supportive adult relationships
Family engagement and support
Financial literacy and advising for students and families
Targeted interventions for first generation college-goers and students from low-income, ethnic
minority communities
Coordination of efforts between nonprofits and colleges/universities
Accurate and system-wide data tracking
Career and Non-College Alternatives
 Access to internships and/or apprenticeships during high school or after high school graduation
 Access to career/occupational exploration, visits to job sites, educational workshops, and
informational interviewing
 Comprehensive career and technical training focused on skills that increase student employability
 Alignment with employment opportunities in critical industry sectors
 Strong relationships and established pipelines between education/training provider and employers in
the field
 Accurate and comprehensive data tracking
 Coordination of efforts between nonprofits, colleges/training programs and employers
 Option for modified work/study programs
 Ongoing financial counseling and support – e.g., access to emergency funds
 Peer group support and mentoring – creating and maintaining student cohorts
 Strong academic and career advising
 Comprehensive nonacademic advising – time management, interview skills, connecting to resources,
helping students acclimate, fostering a sense of belonging and ability to be successful
 Supportive and mentoring relationships
 Family engagement and support