Regular Meeting December 18, 2014

Present: Barbara-Jean DiMauro (Secretary), Alma Elder (Chair), Len Pinz (Maintenance Supervisor),
Barbara Schiffert (Treasurer), Peter Sibley (Executive Director), Fred Vincent (Resident Commissioner)
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by the Chair.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was amended. On a motion by Barbara-Jean, seconded by Barbara, the agenda was approved as
Public Session/Comments
No comments
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Barbara, seconded by Fred, the minutes were approved as presented.
Correspondence—Resident Memos
No action
Executive Director’s Report
a) Financial Report: Pete discussed the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual report with the Board. Pete explained
Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and residents’ application process and qualifications.
b) Waiting List: There are 28 names on the waiting list. Alma questioned why there has been no advertising
recently. Pete explained that advertising during the holidays is not cost effective. MHA will continue advertising
after the first of the year.
c) Occupancy Report: As of December 1, 2014, MHA has 100% occupancy.
d) Management and Occupancy Review (MOR) Report: MHA has received notification from the Connecticut
Department of Housing that the 2014 MOR is officially closed.
e) Credit Card for MHA: The Board authorized Pete to obtain a credit card for MHA.
Maintenance Report
a) General Operations: No problems/issues
b) Buildings: No concerns
c) Grounds: Landscaper has done a good job re fall cleanup. Alma suggested the possibility of expanding the
gardens as part of an effort to make Sugarloaf grounds more attractive.
d) Water System: Testing for 2014 is now complete. The lead and copper test results are good. Len reported that
water usage is down; does not know why.
New Business
a) Review and Approve Annual Report: After review, the Board approved the annual report on a motion by
Barbara-Jean, seconded by Barbara.
b) Review CHFA “Solarize SSHP” Letter: Pete discussed the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) letter re
State Sponsored Housing Portfolio (SSHP) and informed the Board of an upcoming site visit by the Ross Group to
assess feasibility of solar energy for MHA. The Ross Group is a solar provider selected by CHFA. Pete advised that
MHA would not benefit from a solar-usage income tax break.
c) Discuss Small Storage Building: Kevin Kowett, a local plumber, has expressed interest in renting the small storage
building. Fred Vincent has also expressed an interest in using the small building for storage. Pete distributed a
Storage Building Proposal. The Board discussed this proposal as well as residents’ need for storage. On a motion by
Barbara-Jean, seconded by Alma, the Board voted to survey residents re their need for storage. Pete will conduct
the survey. Further action was tabled until the January 22, 2015, regular meeting.
d) Occupied-Unit Carpet Cleaning: On a motion by Barbara, seconded by Alma, the Board voted to implement a
three-year plan whereby units will be evaluated to determine whether carpets need to be replaced or cleaned. The
evaluation is to be based on move-in date.
e) Pool Table for Community Building: Tabled
f) Revised Emergency Notifications: The revision includes contact numbers for Commissioners and staff.
Old Business
a) DOH Rehab Grant: Still no reply
b) Propane Contract: Pete informed the Board that as a result of contracting the propane supplier the town uses,
MHA now pays $1.60 per gallon instead of $1.75 charged by the previous contractor.
Public Session/Comments
The Community Building automatic door opener is greatly appreciated.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 4:35 P.M.
Respectively submitted,
Barbara-Jean DiMauro