Richard Boynton Award Nomination

Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.
Richard Boynton
Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination
Nominee Information
Job Title:
Company Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Technical Society Affiliations:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominator Information
Job Title:
Company Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard Boynton, both personally and through his company, Space Electronics, has been a long-time
supporter of and contributor to the Society of Allied Weight Engineers. As a prominent colleague and
personal friend of many members, the Society instituted an award in 2010 to honor his contributions
and legacy as a member of this organization. This ongoing award will keep Mr. Boynton’s legacy
alive as an inspiration for our members long after the ending of his remarkable career. The Richard
Boynton Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented annually (if warranted) to a member of
SAWE that has demonstrated extraordinarily strong and sustained support of the SAWE over a
significant number of years.
1. Candidate shall have demonstrated extraordinarily strong and sustained support of the Society over
a significant number of years.
2. Society support shall typically be broad-based, encompassing many (though not necessarily all) of
the following areas.
• Financial support through exhibiting, sponsorship, the scholarship fund, or as a personal
• Technical paper author and/or strong support of the technical mission of the Society.
• History of dedicated service to the Society at the Chapter and International level.
• Demonstrated support of and/or contributions to the Training Program.
3. Candidates shall be well-known throughout the Society, demonstrating support of the Mass
Properties community and profession through the bonds of being a trusted colleague.
4. Personal dedication to and support of the Society may be considered as a factor, such as paying
one’s own way to conferences, other support or service absent the financial support of an employer, or
volunteer service, such as serving on Technical, G/I, or Conference Planning Committees, etc.
5. In the spirit of this award, dedicated to keeping Mr. Boynton’s legacy and spirit alive within the
Society, the personal judgment of the Awards Committee as to a candidate’s worthiness, even given
deficiencies in any of the above areas, may be considered as a weighting factor.
SAWE Awards Committee Form – Richard Boynton Lifetime Achievement 2016
Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.
Provide the following information in the respective sections on the following page. Insert
additional lines and pages as necessary.
A. Honors, Awards, and Education.
B. Experience Record. List leadership duties performed, contributions to significant projects, and
outstanding contributions the nominee has made to advance Mass Properties Engineering.
C. SAWE service and technical contributions. List offices, chairmanships, technical papers and
presentations, conference participation, training, and other noteworthy activities.
D. Please provide any other special reasons for nominating this candidate. Include any letters of
recommendation in this section.
E. Award Synopsis. Provide approximately 300 word summary of why this nominee is deserving of
this award. This should be suitable for use in the recognition materials.
E-mail completed form to: by March 1, 2016. If you have questions,
email or call Jeff Cerro, SAWE Awards Committee Chairman at 757-864-9151.
SAWE Awards Committee Form – Richard Boynton Lifetime Achievement 2016
Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.
Richard Boynton Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination (due March 1, 2016)
A. Honors, Awards and Education
B. Experience Record
C. SAWE Service and Technical Contributions
D. Provide any other special reasons for nominating this candidate.
E. Award Synopsis. (300 words or less)
SAWE Awards Committee Form – Richard Boynton Lifetime Achievement 2016