Prof. Amedeo De Luca

Market Analysis
The course develops knowledge and methodological and professional skills in the
area of market/marketing research and analysis. Such skills prove useful in
providing concrete solutions to market problems for firms, with the synergetic use
of tools typical of management science (quantitative methods, econometrics,
marketing and computer science).
With the course's professional orientation (from both a practical and operational
perspective), the student will learn methods for statistically analyzing and reporting
market data, as well as quantitative market/marketing models and methods.
In aiming to respond to the demands of the productive world, the course strives to
develop experts in analysis of the market data and market quantitative methods
underlying the business decisions and strategic/operational marketing decisions of
an innovative firm.
I. Relationship between the firm and the market
1. Type of quantitative market and marketing research. The quantitative
marketing approach.
II. Market data: procurement and processing
1. Quantitative market research plan.
2. Questionnaire design and construction; measurement scale and attitude scale;
interview techniques.
3. Probabilistic and non-probabilistic samples. Sample size of a market survey.
4. Market research via the Internet (e-mail and web research); free online software
for constructing/sending the questionnaire and the automatic processing of the
data gathered.
5. Analysis of market research data: univariate approach, bivariate approach
(association measures), multivariate approach (segmentation, positioning,
customer satisfaction).
6. Research report and interpretation of the research results from a marketing
perspective. Excel, SPSS, and SAS software.
III. Data analysis: marketing models and methods
1. Analysis of demand:
Descriptive segmentation (metric and non-metric cluster analysis) and
behavioural segmentation (decision trees);
Territory segmentation, measurement of sales potential and geomarketing;
Measurement of customer satisfaction: base models, regression method
using indicator variables (De Luca), cause-effect relationships (structural
Identification of good and bad customers (good and bad credit risks) with
discriminant analysis.
2. Analysis of firm's supply:
Positioning of brands/products in perceptive map (factorial analysis and
scaling); cases;
Conjoint analysis for the successful launch of new products (planning of
marketing experiments);
Calculation of the risk of corporate default with hierarchy segmentation
(Basle III approach).
IV. CRM, Business Intelligence and Big Data
1. Big Data, CRM, Data Mining, Business Intelligence. Customer life cycle and
calculation of its ROI.
2. Measuring loyalty/retention and identification of customers at risk of leaving.
3. Calculation of breakeven point for a promotion and maximisation of its results.
4. Market basket analysis for increasing cross-selling. Analysis of behaviours of
web site users (click stream analysis) and web-site optimisation.
A. DE LUCA, Le ricerche di mercato - Guida pratica e teorica, F. Angeli, Milan, 2006, 2a ed.
(textbook; Chapter 1: pages 17-29; 61-71; Chapters 2, 3, 6, 7).
A. DE LUCA, Le applicazioni dei metodi statistici alle analisi di mercato, F. Angeli, Milan, 2011, 5a
ediz. ristampata (textbook; Parte 1: Chapters 1-5; Sezioni: C, D).
A. DE LUCA, Il direct marketing interattivo – Le nuove metodologie, le tecniche e gli strumenti,
Ipsoa, Milano, 2007 (Textbook; Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4).
A. DE LUCA, Dizionario tematico di Marketing Quantitativo, F. Angeli, Milan, 2007 (Per students
not attending class on a regular basis).
Instructional and support material.
Lectures. Business cases (lab). Assignments carried out with input of experts, with
active student participation in IT lab. Project work to implement the course contents.
Presentations by business experts.
Written test + group project (market research) + possible interview.
The written test will consist of 18 questions (closed-end questions, multiple choice
questions and open-end questions) and two market analysis exercises.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage, or on the Faculty notice board.